There has been lots of talk about painted hair lately… I LOVE painted hair and I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the wip pictures… Everyone has such a different style.
These are some babies I’ve done, some I did years ago, and some were recent. Which style do you prefer? There are 11 different babies here.
I’d also love to see more pictures of your favorite style of hair, no matter if it’s your work or someone else’s.
Seeing different techniques and styles inspires me!
A lot of preference so far for the soft whispy hair then. When I buy from another artist I’m just the opposite. My favorite 2 hair artist are Evon Nather, and Little Chicks Hollman Hollis!! Amazing artist!!!
Thanks, Misty. That is some lovely hair. That is how I want my Prisma hair to look. I haven’t achieved it yet. Sometimes it starts to go that way, but I end up killing it somehow. She does lovely work.
It is beautiful! She’s very good. I tried Prisma when I first began but couldn’t get them to work for me at all. I was terrible with pencils. It’s almost like it didn’t want to stick to the vinyl for me…
1,4,9, 10 I love. I absolutely love painting haircut can’t seem to get those hairlike lines of paint everyone seems to get lol mine just doesn’t look like individual hairs so I’ve been trying to play with paint thickness and brushes. That’s why I’m hoping when the lady who is doing the summer rains painted hair videos on you tube posts her videos I’m anxious to watch and hopefully gain some tips and painting hair tutorials are a big secret lol
Did you put a layer of varnish down before you tried to draw the hair? The pencils will not go on to vinyl or even painted vinyl. But the varnish “sizes” the head so it will take the pencil really well. I use satin and never have a problem unless I miss a spot with my varnish. I finish the doll, varnish, bake it twice, and then begin the hair and eyebrows. I love Prisma pencils, but I haven’t quite achieved the result I want yet. I have to overcome my impatience to see the finished doll.