I like 2, 4, 9 & 10. I found these online also and absolutely love them. I know they’re thicker than baby hair would be, but I still think they’re beautiful.
Absolutely LOOOOVE the first one that hair looks crazy real! So hope I can do that one day!
Emily’s doll’s hair have my eyes fooled. It looks totally realistic.
2 and 7
LOVE The first one!! I think I love the dark thick hair because that’s what all of my 7 real babies had! Thick full heads of dark locks!
I don’t think I did varnish first. That was years ago when I used Genesis. Back then I did varnish last. I can see how that would help though!
4 does have a little rooted patch
4 is my fav then 9 & 10… 4 is a painted and rooted combo isn’t it? will download and blow that one up for a closer look as I really like the look of it…nice work!
lovely job too @portraitjumeau (Emily)
and @DancesWithDolls, I love the top photo that you posted…BEAUTIFUL - so natural and lovely…The second one is nice too and very artsy but I love the top photo for realism…
#4 is my favorite but good grief woman, you are way talented!!!
@allhisgrace. Thank You!!!
I agree…hers is lovely lovely!
I like number 10 the best…that being said, each has its own style and something special…
I like 4 and 10 best. I wish I could paint hair!
Your painted hair is amazing! I like the artistry of them all but my personal preference is 4, 10 & 11.
They are all lovely and I would be happy if I could do hair like that-------but I must say------#4 is definitely my favorite!!!
Four and eight are my favorites. But wow, any of them. As for my favorite type of painted hair, simple, any that I didn’t paint! I keep rooting over my attempts so far. I would love to paint like you do!
When I chose I didn’t realize all the versions were from you @allhisgrace! That is amazing in itself! Great job on all of them and so great that you are able to do so many different styles! AND painted not penciled? Amazing!
Thank you for your kind words. I’m definitely in the minority because my favorite babies, and hair, is exaggerated realism. Lots of whimsy…
I think #4 is one of my personal least favorite… Now I’m a little torn on what to do with my next baby. Paint hair the way I like it best, or paint it the way the majority likes it best?
Is there a style of your’s that has sold better?
My newest babies have the dark swirly hair… It’s noticeabley different as compared to earlier babies… As my reborning changed in the last 2 years, (I’ve been reborning for 9/10 years total) it got to a point that all my babies looked a bit similar… My babies sell pretty quickly, (I sometimes have to relist once) and for more money than they have before… But maybe I should go back and do the older style of hair (like #4)
I just thought it was good to have a signature style that stood out and looked unique… But I feel like I’m second guessing now…