What's everyone artistic background?

Wow :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Incredible talent!!!

Thanks here is the last one he painted itā€™s of his Doggy :slight_smile:

has done some great portraits of his Grandkids also but I will not share those because he does not post them on his page.


Maybe you have to thin your paint more and donā€™t bake until you are happy with what you have. I do that a lot then I have to be going back and cleaning creases with a toothpick :grinning: and for the little spaces that the paint donā€™t stick try to scrub with a toothbrush when you are washing the kit and when painting gold and open those creases until you get the print in there. I hope this helps.:hugs:

I havenā€™t taken any art classes but it runs in the family. My mother is a wonderful sketch artist but natural not learned. I am okay but my son is 11 and itā€™s starting to shine. I have an eye for beauty, photos color and expensive things lol.

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I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and Iā€™m a high school art teacher. Some things from my past experience have transferred, and others are completely new and crazy hard! I couldnā€™t have learned how to make reborns without all the help Iā€™ve found here :blush:


@AmandasBabies, His paintings are amazing, I am definitely going to look at his page. Thanks for posting them, he is a TRUE Artist!! Beautiful work, the animals look like you could pet them!!


Very nice paintings. So creative

Oh wow :heart_eyes: that looks like a photograph!!! He should be a professional artist!!! Amazingly beautiful work :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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I would love to see some of your egg shell work if you have any pictures.

Thank you :slight_smile: yes :slight_smile: the dolls and pony I made for our home business. I draw a lot digitally with a Wacom tablet. I use all kinds of art programs and cad programs. I designed the pony and dolls to be sewn on an embroidery machine instead of a sewing machine. You just push a button and it sews out :slight_smile:

Wow just so many talented ladies here!! I wish I was at home so I could post some of my drawings. Itā€™s so fun to share and see everyoneā€™s work!


As a child, through school, I loved art class and being creative. Most of my teachers remarked to my parents how good I was at art but so very bad at math. :smiley: I was mostly a black-and-white sketch artist, occasionally using colored pencils, until I discovered reborning. Thirty-five years ago I attempted oil painting but didnā€™t continue.

Iā€™m just the opposite good at math and Terrible at artā€¦Lol Iā€™ve seen your work (babies) they are beautiful, I canā€™t wait to get to that level of realismā€¦ how long have u been a reborn artist?

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Thank you, BusyBee! Iā€™ve been reboring for a little over four years now. My babies were terribly frightening for the first year. I took some reborning classes through the REAL Reborn Forum. The teacher there is Lara Antonucci, and she offers classes a few times a year. They are usually around $45 and you get an E book with it so you can continue to practice the techniques she teaches.

There were many times while growing up that I wished I was better at math than at art, but Iā€™m thankful for my artistic abilities. I get them from my paternal grandmother and some from my momā€™s side. Glad to say that I am a bit better with math these days, too. I homeschool my son and I find my brain being able to do things with numbers and math that I never could figure out how to do while in grade school. :smiley:

Keep at the reborning and keep practicing. Study the work of those you admire and ask questions.

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From the scenery in your uncles pics he looks like he lives in Louisiana or another Gulf Coast southern state :crocodile:

I grew up with my parents teaching ceramics classes. I did that from the time I was 5 and could hold a paint brush until the time I moved away in 1999. My mom made me ceramic dolls and porcelain dolls, and she is doll crazy (which I am not), but I started for her. In 2005 I missed painting so that is when I started my adventure. I love to play with clay, and crochet since I was a little girl. So I guess you could say crafty runs in my family :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m not sure where all he has lived he was in the Army for 20+ years so I am sure he has lived all over but his current State for as long as I can remember is TN. :slight_smile:

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Wow, thanks so much for the information and advice. I looked up the classes and will be joiningā€¦ just what I needed thanks.

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Thank. Youā€‹:blush::blush::blush:

Glad to help. I think youā€™ll really enjoy the classes. Theyā€™re very helpful. :slight_smile:

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wowā€¦so many talented artists on the forum. I donā€™t have any formal art training. I loved art in high school and got good marks. I obtained my Certified Make-up Artist certificate from St.Clair College but didnā€™t pursue it. Iā€™ve just been learning as I go, mostly from information shared by other generous and kind reborn artists.