What's everyone artistic background?

So I have two questions.
1.) What’s your background if any in art? (Show pictures) I see so many beautiful babies. With such beautiful skin tones, under tones and details. Do you guys have backgrounds in art? And if so, I’m curious to what it is? Before reborning I was so artistically challenged. I can’t even draw a circle…Lol. Me, I went to college for fashion studies and made some clothes but only from memory I created looks. I never could draw so I left that field.

2.) My second question is anyone in between the NY to VA area willing to have a painting session or a tutor session for painting? We could create a class or do a one on one tutorial. (I’m willing to pay) Im really trying to get to a skilled level and I think I need a session to learn how to achieve lifelike skin tones? (If so can you show pictures of your work)


That’s about my drawing skill level too… how are u with eyebrows?

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Sorry to hear about ur friend. Ur work is beautiful


Wow ur talented artistically. Did u find much challenge when starting to paint a reborn?

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Lol yes i tried using a broken needle but my skills of freehand are awful

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I love to draw and paint when able, I look at pictures and sketch them by looking then paint. These I did for our school library. Btw I changed things, so no chances of copywriting :blush:, its all free hand.


that little guy about sums up my skills as well :joy:

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Wow! I especially love the little critter drawing! It’s excellent!


When u give a mouse a cookie… ahhh I remember that. Isn’t that a story? I read that when I was little…Lol great artwork!


My drawing and painting skills (except for reborning) are nil. But, I was given many other artistic gifts. I knit, crochet, sew, make eggshell Christmas ornaments, floral wreaths, cake decorating and jewelry. All are self taught. I did take a watercolor painting class years ago, but when the instructor took the brush out of my hand and painted on MY picture, I was done with that. Since discovering reborning, I have very little interest in anything but that. I do still make sweaters, hats, booties and crocheted outfits for some of my babies but I’m going to be donating most of my other craft/art supplies to our local Boys and Girls club as soon as the new building is finished.


I have always been blessed with a love of art. My passion has always been oils on canvas and children are my favorite thing, painting or photography. My daughter discovered reborning and caused me to actually look. I was sunk!

I have been drawing most of my life, then got into making soft sculpture dolls. From there I went into painting with acrylics on canvas (mostly landscapes), now it’s painting babies and most recently, sculpting. I also can sew a little, crochet and knit, but don’t have anywhere near the skill of some of our members here. :slight_smile:

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U have your hand in alot of creative work :grinning:

Do you have any pictures of your work? Would love to see

Wow nice, So do you feel your artistic talents helps with reborning?

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Possibly. I realize how important it is to follow instructions. I also realize that sometimes in art situations you have to do your best and then let the doll take over and be who they need to be. Lol

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I can draw a little lol I suck when it comes to faces though (animal and human lol) I did manage a beautiful grid drawing of a pretty little newborn, but my high school art teacher still has it from last semester.
I sew a lot, I enjoy making little rompers and outfits for babies. I made this cute little set for my last dolly, she’s 10 inches so it’s super tiny! It’s a tshirt and cloth diaper with ruffles on the bum :slight_smile: I don’t think I have one showing her diaper, but you get the idea lol I can show a pic of a newborn sized ruffle diaper


Funny but I only have one child and it is a small oil on a little porcelain. I end up giving it all away…lol.

Uploading… then I have my babies…and I am loving them


Love the baby outfits

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