What's everyone artistic background?

I’m I have been crafty my whole life. In school art class was always my favorite! I was a professional clown ventriloquist. I just love making things. When I began to stay home with my littles every one of my work at home ventures were based in art forms of various kinds. I’ll try to post a few pics…


Thank you​:blush::blush:

I wish I could knit or crochet, Ive not ever tried,I sew stuff, but I do enjoy the reborns :blush::blush:

I have the love of Art from my Dad’s side of the Family My Grandmother has always been able to draw anything and her youngest Son is a Great painter. These are a few of his paintings. I love to color does that count? I have never been able to draw that Talent was passed down to my oldest Daughter I will try and get some photos of her work and post on this thread later she has been drawing freehand since she was 10 she is 14 now and still loves to draw.


My grandmother from England painted on rocks, saw blades, trees, anything, she made dolls, anything really, she passed when I was 19.

Wow! He’s really good.

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That diaper cover up is so cute. Aww is the first baby your work? I remember seeing him on eBay :slight_smile:

Love your painting. The house in the woods. Gorgeous!

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The micro preemie or Levi? Neither have been sold, or even offered for sale yet lol Must’ve been a different baby?

I actually don’t think my background helped much with reborning, @BusyBeeNursery. Painting these babies in super thin layers and pouncing off is nothing like what I would do with canvas. What helps more, is an artistic eye in general. That an patience. :slight_smile:

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You are very talented u made these all? I love the pony such cute things

No way the man with the dog is a painting. Beyond talented. each one was Amazing work!!

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Thank you.i haven’t painted in years, until the baby bug bit me.

Lol the micro preemie. I’m on eBay so much I think I’m confused. Maybe it was on another thread I saw him…lol

Yea that’s pretty much what I meant. If u have an artistic eye maybe creating work on a doll comes more naturally

It’s possible lol This baby was donated to the cat rescue I foster for to raise money for the ever growing vet bills :slight_smile:

Yup. I remember that conversation… that’s where I saw him… silly me. He’s adorable however

Thanks! I loved this baby! And my first successful AA baby, and I’m kinda addicted now lol

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The Boston Terrier was my Dad’s dog that passed away his name was Champ :slight_smile: This is a link to his fb art page if you want to give him a like and you can send him a message and ask. Let him know you seen his work from his niece Amanda. Redirecting...


I LOVE your creations :heart_eyes: especially the shabby chic :two_hearts: