What Camera?

What camera do you all use to take photos of your babies? I have an old Canon 70D, and it’s not working so well any more. What cameras have you had success with for the babies? I’m looking for something that is fairly easy to get used to using.

I use a Nikon d3100. It’s a little old but it’s served me well for a long time! Here’s a pic I took with it a couple weeks ago. I think I’ll probably upgrade to a few generations newer eventually but I’ll stick with Nikon


Following, because I’d like to know as well.
I use my old DSLR, Nikon d3300. I also hope to upgrade one day, but it’s still working, so I can’t complain.
I had a Cannon before I bought my Nikon, years ago, and it was terrible. They might have some good products, idk, but that particular DSLR was bad, it would take a few pics then shut off. I was constantly having to turn it off then on again to get it to work, I think it was a Rebel something.
I’ll probably stick with Nikon.

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I use a Nikon D3500. Older but works ok. I think upgrading my lenses from just the standard ones would really help it do better.


I use a pretty old Canon T6i. I kind of want an upgrade, but camera prices have been up since the pandemic so i am waiting awhile.


Thank you, ladies! Our old Canon 70D is just not doing well any more. Been getting darker pics and colors don’t see as good. My husband has been talking about upgrading to a Nikon. We want one that doesn’t have the mirror shutter.Thanks for sharing the info!

I don’t have an actual Camera, I use my Phone. I tried once to get a Camera, but my gosh, there’s SOOOOO many and I was lost.

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What phone do you have? I have an iPhone and have tried it. While the pics were not too bad they were not quite what I wanted them to be.

My husband got me a good expensive camera, BUT you had to know what you are doing with it.
I was frustrated with it and went back to my phone. I am too old to learn about all that white balance, etc.

I dread taking pictures :frowning:


It’s hard to learn new details like that, as we get older. That’s where I am now. Having to read what all the little detailed settings are and stuff. I wish there was something that had few settings on it that would point and take a nice photo of babies.

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Some dslr cameras have a scene intelligent auto feature. It selects the setting itself based on your subject and lighting condition. I have a somewhat older canon model and it does a fairly good job at getting the settings right.

I don’t have any doll pics with it but I took this photo a few weeks ago of a baby gecko with the camera’s auto feature, and it represented his colors accurately and got good detail. Ignore the curved line across the photo, there’s a small crack in my camera lens.

This may be an option to look into if you don’t want to mess with settings



Thank you! I think our old Canon is a dslr, and I am thinking those settings you mentioned are what have stopped working consistently. Seems photos have been darker lately, so I think those settings aren’t working any more.

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That’s unfortunate! If you’re getting a new camera I’d recommend getting one with that setting for sure if you don’t want to deal with learning all the tricky camera things. I have a fairly good grasp on camera settings but still use the auto sometimes because it’s just easier and does a good enough job for what I need.


I like the Auto setting a lot. I took a camera class in 7th grade, eons ago. LOL! I didn’t really understand all the settings and why they are used, and I’m too old now to fuss with it. So, one like you’re saying sounds like something I’d like to have. My husband wants it to mirrorless and have a wide lens, kind of what our old Canon has. We are looking at Nikons online.

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Instead of wide lens I meant to say he wants one with a “full frame”.

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The info that came with my Canon said that you have to send it for recalibration after 10,000 shots. I have not done that, but I wonder if images get darker or something like you describe when you need the recalibration done.


That’s interesting. I’m wondering if my husband knows that or if it is in the manual. I’m going to have to ask him about that.



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I used a Nikon for 15 years. It still worked fine, but I wanted some newer technology so I bought a new Nikon. It worked for less than a year, was sent in for repair They sent it back, but it only worked for a few weeks. I did this a few more times until the warranty was about to run out. I bought my Canon at a great price directly from Canon and I love it.


Is Nikon going down hill in quality, possibly? Yikes.