Where the Rose show will be for 2016 yea!
I’ve asked them before and they said they don’t plan to move beyond Colorado or Carolina anytime soon… so I’m sure it’ll be at one of those places again. I wanted them to have it in the lower states for once but looks like that’s not going to happen.
I thought it was going to be in the same place in 2016.
I thought they said it would be in Denver. I was planning on combining it with a chance to see my daughter in Aurora. Where do you find out their decision?
I thought they said when they had the 2015 show that it would be in the same place because they already had a contract for 3 years altogether, Did anyone else read this? I swear I am not crazy. 4 ladies manage this show and 3 are in the Denver area and the other is in California, so they said it would always be in the Denver area. I believe all that was put out when there was all the controversy about them taking over the show back east, when in reality they kept people from losing the money they had put into that show. Make sense?
Okay…it’s going to be in Utah. The dates will be announced soon. It’s supposed to be at the Davis Conference Center in Layton Utah. It thinks that’s outside SLC.
July 19th - 24th @MichelleP20 @honojane @Angel
Layton Utah…Davis Conference Center. Hotel will be announced later but there is a Hilton right there.
Can anyone explain this to me please? I have not kept up with the Rose as much as all of you and was wondering what that meant? Thanks!
@lynn. @MichelleP20 is right. It had a lot to do with the only location they had in Denver. It was recently bought out by another company and they intend to renovate it. The owners of ROSE did not know this at the time they signed the 3 year commitment. The new owner could not guarantee that the hotel wouldn’t be going through the renovations at the same time the show was going on.
They had a kitchen fire while we were there in July and that is part of the renovations. I Wanted to go back to Denver but I’m game for any other location cause it’ll be fun to see another place.
Not to mention we can probably tour BB!!! Yay!!
Tour Bountiful Baby?! Bonus!!!
O yeahhhhhhhh !!! I am so happy ! It’s even closer to me then SLC it’s in my back yard! Like 15 mins from the house. Anyone need a place to stay? Lol
Come on I got plenty of room and hubby said he’d even grill ! Wooo hooo
Save money to buy more baby stuff lol
Ok bebe----I will try to explain as much as I have read about it myself, Apparently there was a big show back east (can’t remember who was putting it on) and it folded in on itself so the girls from the ROSE show stepped in and took it ver in order to keep people from losing the money that they had paid for tables to sell at and people who had already purchased airline and hotel tickets etc. I don’t know if the previous show personnel absconded with the money or if they went broke of exactly what happened but these ladies wound up taking over the bills and paying out of their own pockets so others wouldn’t lose their money. It created quite a stir as people thought they just took over so they could move the show to Denver the following year and leave the East Coast without a show, and they were not too happy about it (is what I understand), As it turned out the ROSE show ladies lost a lot of their own money so that others wouldn’t. Then people began to wonder if they would move to show around the country but from what I have read it will always be in and around their area. And since 3 of them live in the Denver area and only 1 of them lives in California it is suppose to stay around there, That’s about all I know about it,
Thanks, Lynn! I appreciate you taking the time to explain. Have a great day!
Where is Layton Utah? Is it near an airport? I would be flying from San Diego and would like to have a non-stop flight and get right to where the show is. Do you know?
Michele, how far are you from Layton Utah? Do you drive there?
I don’t think so, @MichelleP20
Getting around a place like that is very difficult for me with my knees and legs being the way they are. But you never know… maybe I’ll buy a scooter and motorcycle momma it around the show! I’ll wear leather and a baby carrier.
wow angel!!! You lucky lady!!!