Ughhh another pain in the blankity blank customer

So, a lady custom ordered twin a and b on the 8th…has literally been constantly hounding me to get done. Last week i had the flu which i told her.
Finished yesterday afternoon. Too dark here in NY for pics without flash. So…i was waiting until morning to send photos.
Nope not good enough, now at 1 am last night she says since photos were not sent, shes not paying balance and will try to get deposit back.
Ive since sent photos, preprinted label…etc.
I really thought time frame was great on a custom order for two babies. Oh, and she wanted scratch, and stork bite customized, which i usually do not add to my babies unless requested. So the order is totally customized!!

Sometimes i really really hate custom orders!!!


I’m sure they will be adopted by someone else that can appreciate the time and effort you have given each baby! They are gorgeous, her loss!


Yes, but a bit nervous about scratch and stork bite. In my experience, customers ive dealt with dont like them unless they have asked for them.


They are beautiful…So sorry this happened…sounds like buyers regret to me but you’ll have no trouble finding those little precious ones a new home…Just annoying having to do it, I know and yes, I agree…many ladies don’t like the stork bites and scratches though I think they add a bit more realism…The ones you have done are not overly pronounced so they shouldn’t cause a problem…Let us know when you sell them…bet it won’t be long… :wink:


They are GORGEOUS! She is going to be sorry!!! What a witch… I’m glad those beauties will have a nicer mom!!!


I see babies with scratches, stork bites, red spots, etc sell all the time. Your babies are beautiful and they will sell quickly even if you have to sell them separately. I would contest the refund of the deposit. That’s just not right when these dolls were made to her exact specifications.


Are you saying she ordered them on the 8th of FEBRUARY? 2 babies in under 3 weeks with the flu thrown in for added delay??? I really hope you got a non refundable deposit upfront. So sorry you are going through this. I’m not a big fan of Twin A but your babies are amazing!


Yes!!! That was my thought!!! Plus homeschooling 3 kids…lol. Her deposit was price of one baby, so i dont know if they would side with me or not…we will see.


I think that is amazing turn around time for all that you do…I have several reborn friends that do dolls and take months to do them and I personally have orders that are scheduled out till DECEMBER this year that the ladies will be waiting for for 10 months so 3 weeks is super fast…she is just having buyers regret…NOT nice!!! I agree with Nikki…they deserve a better mom! :smile:


Hey…they should side with you if you stated Deposit is non-refundable.


She was on my case from day one wanted progress reports…i mean a terrible micro manager…lol
Made me sooo nervous!!
Now im going out of town, told her they would ship today before i leave…nothing no response


So dumb to cancel for that .what?
Your dolls are just perfectly fantastic as real as real can get… and because a photo was hours late?Please!
Sounds like buyers regret because of cash flow as seeing the photo of them she would never cancel because you sent pic in morning not evening .blather.


I wouldn’t worry about it at all! Both of them are gorgeous! Personally, I’m in love with the little one with the scratch and storm bite. Oh geez, your work is amazing!!

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I would have thought so too, but sneaky me ( a cops daughter…lol) looked her up…think she drips $$$ Maybe used to treating people poorly because of it.


Well… Her loss. Karma!!! :grinning:


Those babies are gorgeous and will sell like hot cakes!! Holy crap! If I could I’d buy them lol

That scratch and storkbite are so realistic I’m in awe!

Are you still going to ship to her? I would only send the one that she has paid for if you are…not both…otherwise I would not send either…and if she wants to make a big deal about it all and you think it is going to cost you in the long run (not sure if Paypal honours non-refundable deposits on items that were never posted???) I would maybe offer her a partial deposit…

If you don’t want to give her a refund or partial refund, then you can fight it but not sure that you will win since she does not actually have the items and I definitely would not send her both if she has only paid for one…If it were me…I probably would email her and tell her that she can pick which one she wants since she has paid for one of them and you will be happy to send that one but cam’t send both as they are not paid in full and also reminder her that technically it was a non refundable deposit and that your time frame was within reason for any experienced artist who is booked with orders and that you have to do them according to when the order was placed…

She may just have a very good credit card and not be so rich with actual $$$$…lolololol

Anyway, it is her loss…Let us know what you decide to do…


They are beautiful!

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Geeze louise!!! She wants me to ship both, then pay balance after she gets them…ummmmm no. Says shes well known in doll community, i have her word… long hair,dont care…lol
No way, im really trying to be reasonable.
Sent invoice, we shall see if she pays. If not she can choose one to be shipped.


I really do not like this lady!!!