Tonight's Adventure - Difficult "Labor"

Around lunch time today, I realized I’d be able to finish my current baby if I stayed focused. All was going well until 8:45 pm when I realized I still never got the Pledge Floor Care for the eyes…and I REALLY wanted to use it with this baby. Soooo, I found a bottle at Walmart via the Internet. My wonderful hubby went to get it while I kept working on baby. He called from the store…it wasn’t there. Whaaat?! I went back online and realize I sent him to the wrong store…sooo, off to the other store. He called and said he had it in his hands. Yea!!

When hubby came home bring the glorious Pledge, I did the happy dance as I pulled it out of the bag and placed it on my very messy desk. (My desk always explodes at the end of putting baby together.) I took the lid off the Pledge and reached for a brush. They were all drying on a shelf so I picked them all up to put away and pick the perfect one. That’s when it happened…I pulled my arm back and…my elbow knocked over the Pledge and it went everywhere! And I do mean everywhere!! :scream: I picked up the Pledge and started cussing like a sailor. :weary:

My hubby came running and did most of the cleanup. I was in too much shock to be productive.

Thank the Good Lord that the Pledge missed the head that was right next to it on my rooting pillow. It did get on my brand new sandals, though. I rinsed them off now I have to wait for them to dry. :confused:

I did get the eyes varnished with the Pledge and LOVE it!!!

Well, the labor was definitely difficult but the newest little one is here!! Unfortunately, I can’t show any pics because it’s the kit I received from Michele for the Make Me Beautiful Challenge in July. I’m going to bed now. :sleeping:


Oh no! I bet it was worth it. Let us know how it turned out. I think I’m going to throw my Genesis glaze out because it’s useless :-1:t3:


Do you have any pictures? Do you pour it in the eyes or?


Following !!!


Wow! I can just picture it happening! Close call with the head. Thank goodness it didnt get on it. On the plus side your desk will be super shiny :grin:

Thank for sharing your results with us. Stockers at Walmart are probably scratching their heads trying to figure out why the pledge went so fast as troves of dolly ladies rush to get a bottle lol.


Here you go, Anita:


I bought some but have not tried it on eyes in a baby yet. I put some on some test eyes out of the baby just to see and I also used it on my floor!
And my picture is upside down!


The Pledge was MUCH easier to use than the Delta Ceramcoat that I had been using.


Isn’t it a little late to be at work? :sleeping: Lol

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Perfect! Now I have an excuse to go to Walmart tomorrow. But babe we needed floor cleaner!


My hubby started laughing and I told him it wasn’t funny, yet. I can laugh now, though. He especially thought it was funny that I was almost in tears that a floor cleaner had spilled on the floor…where it belongs. LOL!!! Such irony!

So, my desk, floor, jeans and shoes are now extra clean. :wink:




Thanks for thé tip Amy, Will bé trying pledge…loved your story and glad no harm was done to your doll…AM sure your new sandals Will bé fine…!!..:slight_smile:


This stuff is magic! @AmyR777 that stuff happens to me on the daily. Probley why I swear so much😬


No Fair Amy…you get us all worked up and then an anti-climax…no photos…Wahhhhhhhhhh! lol I am sorry this happened but glad the damage was minor…Hope Wallie World has another bottle…:smile:


Oh my goodness…what an ‘adventure’!!! I’m glad all worked out
well in the end though :+)

Can’t wait to see that baby…gosh…July is a looooong way off !!!


OMG…I can just SEE this hsppening! YIKES! Glad to hear all is well and that the wax works…YAY! :thumbsup:


I have those kind of accidents all the time.:wink: So glad it didn’t ruin your doll or your new sandals . I’m going to get the pledge soon. That’s why I love this forum. We learn so much from each other.


So glad everything worked out and nothing was ruined :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Yee Gads Amy, that’s quite a mishap and I totally understand it-----I spilled my Mona Lisa thinner when I had just gotten a new container and it landed all over my LAP!!! What a mess!! Lost at least half of it!!