Tonight's Adventure - Difficult "Labor"

I’m working on that baby, too. She has been my "do over " baby. Paint was stripped because the color was awful. Hair was removed and started again because the hair was looking awful. No more, I hope! I want to see her finished with no more redoing of anything. Maybe it’s the doll causing all of this!

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Oh, noooo!!! :cry:

I feel the horror!!! Glad you survived to the “makes a great story” phase. And also, you’ve got a great husband😃


Does it glaze the eyes permanently or do you have to redo them with the Pledge every once in a while?

Jackie, it won’t come off unless you take it off.

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this sounds like one of those “best thing since sliced bread” kind of things. I’ve gotta check it out


It is!!!

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I love Ceramcoat but it’s difficult to keep it bubble-free. I had no problems with bubbles in the Pledge.