Time for. New PIF!

I was talking to my daughter last night about a significant teacher she is trying to find to thank her. I had a 5th grade teacher who has no idea how special I felt because she asked me to take care of her kiddos sometimes! She made me feel like she saw something special in me and trusted me with the most important people in her world. Her name is Mrs Williams and her husband was on staff at the Colorado School of Mines - where my husband ultimately got his mining degreešŸ¤“

Can you remember a teacher who influenced you that you would like to contact and let them know how much they meant to you! Tell us who they are/were and why they are so special.

Iā€™ll pick a random winner when I get back home from Palau on 4/23šŸ‘šŸ»

Iā€™m starting to pack the goodie box alreadyā€‹:smile::sun_with_face:


My high school art teacher who is retiring in June. I swear he remembers every student heā€™s ever had. I canā€™t wait to show him what Iā€™m doing now!


My history teacher in the 8th, after reading this post I starting thinking I need to try to look him up and if I find him I would love to tell hm he really had a positive role n my life


My second grade teacher was Miss Myers. I actually did track her down and write a letter to her and she wrote back! Sheā€™s such a caring person and made us feel special and loved. She taught us about having character, and often sang songs with us on her guitar- I loved that. She even had us sing at her church, which would never happen now, but she really cared for us. She also invited us to her parentsā€™ house in the fall for a hayride, cookout, and apple cider! She was very creative and made learning so much fun. Iā€™ll never forget heršŸ˜Š


My mom!!! She just retired and she is an amazing teacher! I learned more from the way she explained things than any other. Her students from 20 years ago , STILL send her thank youā€™'s and gifts:-)


I went to college for two years and then quit to get married and then raised 3 children before I went back to school and got my nursing degree. Our marriage was in a rough spot when I went back and my self-confidence was at an all time low. I donā€™t think I could have graduated without the one teacher that sort of took me under her wing and kept encouraging me along the way. We spent a lot of time talking about all sorts of things outside of class and her friendship and her confidence in my abilities and future as a nurse kept me going. I actually graduated with honors and got a great job as a RN that I loved as soon as I finished, and our marriage got lots better over time too. But I still donā€™t think I could have made it through those years without her prayers and support.


I was in school. She was actually a college proffesor. Laura she was from boston. She was amazing. My brother had comitted suicide. She sat on the floor with me and held onto me. I went back. She was there for me when my daughter started getting diagnosed. She was the best ever we laughed in her class so hard. But we kearned so much. I still go and visit with her she is the best.


I had a social studies teacherā€¦Mr. Wright. He made learning fun when I was at a time that I lost interest. Funny thing is, my daughter just had him, and when I went to parent/teacher night, he called me out by nameā€¦HE REMEBERED ME!


My second grade teacher. Mrs. Strange, I will always remember her! My parents were going through a divorce during this time, and it was very hard on me as a small child. There were so many times I didnā€™t want to go to school, there was even a time that Mrs. Strange came outside and got in the car with me, and got me out of the car. She was always concerned and caring, she was like a second mom. There was a time Iā€™d gotten my ears pierced, and they were infected really bad, she doctored them for me. And then brought me some little gold earrings , so they wouldnā€™t get infected.
She was a very sweet lady, and kind hearted . She cared about her students. And she understood what my family was going through, and was always there with a kind heart.


I just edited my previous post - OHHHHHH, yesā€¦typos! I was trying to do it because I wanted to get it started before we leave for our trip and AFTER I took an Ambien to help me sleepšŸ˜© Good grief!!! Auto correct, fat fingers on a phone and Ambien are the perfect ingredients to entertainšŸ˜‚ Thanks to yā€™all who responded and got the gist of what I was trying to sayā¤ļø


My second grade teacher, Mrs. Kintz was the best teacher I ever had. My father had been hurt in the mines, and was out of work for a while and we were very poor. I wore hand-me-down clothes from my cousins that were a bit worn, and was made fun of by the other children. She made me feel special by giving me little chores in the classroom to perform that were avidly sought after by the students. I was intelligent, and she always praised my efforts, and had me read in front of the class. I got to return the favor later on when I was working as a geriatric nurse in a Christian facility were she became a resident.
We became the best of friends and she always told the other residents how proud she was of me, how she knew that I would grow up to be ā€œspecialā€.


I canā€™t imagine anything more gratifying than a student coming back to acknowledge a teacher for making a differenceā€‹:heart:ļø Do it! Do it! Do it!:grinning:

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You could show him one of your babiesā¤ļø


What a treasure to have a mom so loved and good at what she does! Does that mean you were a wiz at school?:heart:ļø

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I donā€™t recall a special teacher but I do remember one that singled me out in 7th Grade, telling the class I was the reason there would be no break today because he saw me walking down the hall when I was going into the restroomā€¦It was a very rough school and I got the ā– ā– ā– ā–  beat out of meā€¦I would love to find him and tell him Thank youā€¦


I have two teachers who made a major positive impact on my life. They were both Sunday School Teachers! Ms Brenda was my teacher when I was in maybe 3rd and 4th grade. She always made me feel important. To this day, Ms Brenda remembers what my favorite Bible verse was back then and reminds me of it anytime I need it. She still encourages me. Ms Dianne was a SS teacher in my teen years. She loved me ā€œin spite ofā€ and encouraged me and tried to keep me on the straight and narrow. I know at the time she didnā€™t think I was listening but she knows now. I am thankful for both of these ladies for what they did then and what they do now. I donā€™t see either of them very often but we are in contact through FaceBook.


Iā€™ve had some fantastic professors. One who really stands out in my mind, took time to oversee my independent study course, despite it being normally his day off because he believed that strongly in the work that I was doing!


Would be my old teacher Mr Rosa! He was my high school history teacher and he made learning fun


Anybody else want to chime in about a teacher who made a difference or encouraged you? Itā€™s not a dolly topic but teachers hold a special place in my heart. In so many ways, they can make or break a student. They arenā€™t just information stuffers but can impact in ways they wonā€™t ever know about this side of heavenšŸ˜‰


Sunday School teachers are the mostly unsung heroes of this world, arenā€™t they!:heart:ļø Thanks for sharing.