Time for. New PIF!

I STILL remember a cranky, mean teacher yelling at a special needs child when I was in elementary school - exactly 100 years agošŸ˜€ Iā€™d like to go back now and say NO!!! My daughter ( with the good teacher sheā€™d like to find) also had a chemistry teacher who ridiculed her in front of the class for a bad grade. I mean, who DOES that???

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I canā€™t get this beautiful story out of my head! Thank you so much for sharing it!


This is the kind of teacher - person, really - that I aspire to be! How many times have each of us had the opportunity to be ā€œJesus with skin onā€ to a hurting child? A simple act of kindness and you will NEVER forget it! Beautiful storyā¤ļø


You sound like a kindred spiritā¤ļø

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Beautiful young girl!

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I would love to thank Margie Davis. Although not actually a teacher, she taught me so much! She was our local, small town, librarian. I hope you donā€™t mind that I use her for this story instead of a teacher although there several teachers I could have chosenā€¦

Margie was very special to me. I spent a lot of time with books. I read very early. When I had read literally all the books in the childrens section that held my interest at all, she allowed me access to two very special privileges. She allowed me to read the nurse stories in the adult section, and best of all, she took me downstairs in the archives, where all the old books ā€œlivedā€. I still have a love for old books from more Victorian ages, and the smell of old books takes me right back there with Margie.

She was a strict librarian, but very sweet about it. I used to like to draw and color at the library, and I wanted very much to impress Margie. I could draw very well, but it didnā€™t satisfy me and so, I admit it, I traced a picture so she would be proud. Margie looked at is and looked very sad. She said ā€œYou didnā€™t draw that did you?ā€ I was scorched to the quick. I immediately admitted that I had traced it. She just smiled and said, ā€œI know, honey, but you donā€™t need to do that. Your own drawings are good enough.ā€ That was enough for me. I never traced anything again. In fact, when I was learning illustration in art school, and we were encouraged to use projectors to make our layouts, I had a terrible time getting myself to do it. It felt like tracing, and I kept remembering Margie who said my drawings were good enough. I know she wonā€™t be reading this. I am not even sure she is still among the living. But, ā€œThank You, Margie. You were a great encourager and a special friend to a little child who loved you.ā€


Ok, remember the PIF I started about teachers who made a difference (and then left the country for Palau)?

Well, Katie Perry and Mr. Rosa were randomly chosen to win the box Iā€™m packing up todayā€‹:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:. With your new baby coming soon, maybe I will make THIS PIF more about ā€œrealā€ baby girls and less about ā€œrebornā€ babiesā€‹:kissing_heart:.

Congratulations on ALL the exciting things going on in your life, Katie and thanks to everyone for playingšŸ’Œ


Thank you so much Sherry love Katie Xoxxoxo!!!



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