They have test heads 7/26/18

Just left there open eyed and closed eyed 10 PM night all


All gone by 11 pm lol :frowning:


That’s too funny!

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I have not been buying anything much lately so I splurged and bought a couple closed eyed heads since its a bit like a mystery box coming that way .
A nail biter will she be thrilled when that box arrives and is opened or will her hopes and dreams be squashed by the sight that greets her dump dump dum :joy:


I have been painting and reorganizing my rooms so have not been reborning or buying much lately. I did manage to snag a couple closed eyed and open eyed. We shall see what I get. I do enjoy the mystery of going in blind eyed. Sometimes the test heads are wonderful.


Same here ! I only bought one of the heads before but couldn’t find anything wrong with it lol so yeah it is a bit fun to see what arrives .


Got my mystery heads box today wowzers two of the same kind one I couldn’t find anything but dark spots that washed off and the other has a tiny little black or brown spot that can be easily covered .
Of course the bad side is it is a sculpt I would never choose to do then the good side is I can do all kinds of wicked tests and thing to these two heads without one morsel of regret :crazy_face:

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Is that Ember? I love ember!

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I have no idea lol it looks more Teagan to me in person and it has a 13 inch head and as I said nothing I would normally reborn so this should be fun :sweat_smile:

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Yay!!! Fun is good!!! I love Teagan too! Lol

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Yeah I figure anything goes with these since they are not something I would do so these can end up looking way weird and not feel I have to be careful about messing them up :sunny:

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I added a better picture above perhaps you can tell what little monster it is now lol

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I think it’s Molly :blush:


Good someone who knows I sure don’t know it is just not one I would choose awake and with my eyes open :smile: Gotta say I would do the mystery heads again though .


Should say on the neck flange?


Do not go confusing me with logic @jlesser



We have a winner it is Molly !! verified on back of the head :smile: Mystery solved lol I even have two out of stock Molly heads wow .


Mine arrived too. I got two of the same for sure but not sure who. A couple others of Raine, I think. I am on vacation, in Biloxi, I will identify when I get home


Molly! I have never noticed her!!! Lol

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