They have test heads 7/26/18

Have fun !!!

Like I said not with my eyes open kit selection for me :sunny:

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Lolololololol :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ok, I know it’s a late response but here it goes; two Raine’s, Precious gift, Moby and Libby

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I responded to you but somehow it appeared on my post, lol

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Yeah this board has a way of messing with things lol sounds like you got a good assortment in your mystery box only one I never worked on is Moby .

I actually have a Moby WIP for a family member, but due to my reorganizing and room painting, put those on hold. Hope to be finished soon. Those babies are mostly done but need brows, lashes, sealing and of course the dreadful rooting, lol

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Raine, Precious gift and Libby will be first, for me

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