Thanks to the bountiful family and friends

OMG, I am so excited. I’m glad I was doing some shopping and I saw your great sales. Especially, with the baby kits. I was able to buy a realborn baby Laila. I’m so poor, so this made it early Xmas for myself. Thank you so much. Learning to reborn is my favorite thing to do right now. I tested for the virus. I got very sick and I thought I would die. It’s not fun. I also care for my mom, who has dimentia. Reborning relieves me of alot of stress. So, today is Easter Sunday and I send you all my love and hugs. I tested negative and I thank my higher power for the ability to be alive. Again best wishes, and God bless you all.


Reborning is definitely an amazing stress reliever, I’m glad it’s helping you! It’s good to hear you tested negative for the virus, that must have been so hard to deal with on top of behind a caregiver. Hugs!

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Thank you so much my love. Yes , it was truly scary. But I’m still isolating. I’ve got to protect my mom. She’s 88 yrs old. This virus doesn’t care who you are and people are still taking chances. Thanks for replying. If you are an artist can I ask for your help when I’m stuck. I’m new at this, but I know I can learn the art of reborning. So please stay in touch.

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I’m quarantined with my family too. Scary times. I’ve only been reborning for about 2.5 years, but I’m happy to help if I can! If you have a question I don’t know the answer to someone else on the board will definitely know! I learned a lot by posting questions on this board, people are always very happy to help:)


Yes , then you know how I feel. Thanks. I will ask for help Lisa. Nice chatting with ya.


Nice chatting with you too!

12 years in, reborning is still my favorite thing to do.


Congratulations on 12 years! You have remained active, too, as far as I can tell since I have been here. :slight_smile: