

Hi , bountiful family. I’m so excited to be a part of a positive group of people. I’m originally from new York. I relocated some 30 yrs ago to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I went to college here. I love New York but I was tired of the rat race. I needed nature and pa has some of the most beautiful site’s and mountains. I wanted to share it with my kids. I’ve always loved the arts. My father was an avid artist. He was great at drawing. My mom was great at chrochete. I picked up alot of my creativity from them. I love trying new things. My kids are grown now and my grandkids are my babies. My youngest grandson has Downs Syndrome and he is my heart. I got into reborning because as a child I had a doll called Thumblelina. By now you’ve guessed my age. Lol. I didn’t have the best childhood. My favorite times were playing with my dolls. Playing with my doll let me explore and express my feelings. I got to create a family the way I thought a family should be. My 15 yr old thinks I’m crazy for reborning. She says it’s creepy. She of course grew up with the media era. Gaming and now is constantly on her phone. So, I say call me creepy, I love the art of reborning and I hope I will become a good reborn artist. I can’t do it without you guys. I’ll be asking alot of questions and educating myself. I hope you won’t mined my asking. Thanks.