Teddy Grace Ralph 💕

Congratulations!!! All your babies are precious, and little miss Teddy is just perfect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: what a beautiful Mom and baby!

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Teddy is so beautiful…you guys make gorgeous, sweet, little girls!!..and your vinyl babies are pretty amazing as well :grin: :kissing_heart:

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Utter perfection! Congrats! :two_hearts:

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She’s beautiful and you have a beautiful family! Congratulations !

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Congratulations she is so beautiful!! God bless!!!

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Congratulations !!!

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Congratualations! Healthy baby girl and a lovely name. You are both blessed with such a precious gift. :innocent:

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Congrats! She is beautiful :heart:

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They are all so precious together!


She’s beautiful!! Congratulations!

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Congratulations!! She’s beautiful, and seems to love her photo shoot. :grin: thanks for the “details” shots…:joy:. Wishing you good health and plenty of rest!!

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Absolutely beautiful family!!!

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Such a pretty girl and so adorable! Congratulations!

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Oh my…Congratulations ! Such a beautiful family Aly.
God bless.

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Congrats and many blessings ! :heart_eyes: She is beautiful!! :pray:t2:

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Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you! :heart:

Thank you! :heart: