Teddy Grace Ralph 💕

I would like to announce that our sweet baby girl has arrived!

Theodora “Teddy” Grace
8lbs 1oz
21 inches
Born 11/10/21

It was a long 30 hour labor and I feel so blessed that she is already here with us. Yesterday was her due date! Teddy is 6 days old and doing great. :relieved:


Congratulations @Alypants. She is just perfect in every way. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Awe, congratulations to the both of you. She’s beautiful n a nice size.

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Congratulations and welcome to Dolly world sweet baby girl!

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I love you baby Teddy!!! She’s freakin perfect!!!


Congratulations! She’s beautiful and so alert.The happy baby dream smile is so cute! What do her big sisters think of her?

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Congratulations! Both you and your baby are beautiful!

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Oh Sweet Baby Teddy you are so gorgeous! :heart:

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Congratulations ! She’s absolutely beautiful and this smile…:heart_eyes:

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What a beautiful baby! Welcome, Little One!

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What a wonderfully gorgeous baby!!!

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Congratulations she is beautiful!

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Congratulations on your sweet baby girl! She is precious! :heart_eyes:

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She’s so beautiful! Congratulations!!!’:tada::tada::tada:

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Absolutely beautiful, and her beautiful hair looks just like the style you paint!!! How did she Know?:grin::grin::thinking::thinking:. are the girls over the moon?


She already has those Ralph lashes :two_hearts:congrats!


She’s beautiful! Looks like her daddy, I think.

Congrats to you all!

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Congratulations! She is perfect and beautiful!

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Congratulations! She is AMAZING! :star_struck:

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