Teddy Grace Ralph ๐Ÿ’•

Thank you so much! I need a teddy bear print cloth baby one day :wink:

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Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you so much. The girls love her to pieces! I donโ€™t know if my babies have unique hair or what, but they are definitely what has inspired my hair painting style :grin:

Ah, yes she does. They are rooted the wrong way :sweat_smile: Thank you!

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Thank you! Her daddy thinks she looks like her mommy lol! Itโ€™s too early to tell I guess :yum:

Thank you :heart:

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Thank you, Forum Mama :heart:

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Thank you so much! :heartpulse:

Thank you! :heart:

Hey I get it :rofl: Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you!

Thank you so much!

Thank you! I am feelingโ€ฆalright :sweat_smile: Improving each day in a two steps forward one step back kind of way. :two_hearts:

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Thank you :heartpulse:

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Congratulations she is adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The picture of your oldest daughter holding Teddy took my breath away. That would be on my wall, in an oval frame, in a heartbeat.


Thank you!

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Aw, thank you! Thatโ€™s a great idea! I love that photo too. One of my other favorites is this one from when my middle daughter and I were reunited after 4 days


I love this one, too.

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