Suggestions for cute kits

Looking for suggestions for really cute Realborn kits on BB that you have enjoyed painting and have had good results with. There are so many that its hard to go through them all. I’m still not familiar with all the kits out there and how they could look other than the prototypes, etc.
Thank you to anyone who gives input or shares pictures!

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I really liked Ashley sleeping, she sold well for me too.


Beauty is in the eyes of beholder. You know that I don’t have much experience, but I love Peisley. I would not defined that kit as cute, but I just loved her for her natural babyish scrunch up look, And she was sold (as he) in one day. I like Priscilla, Landon, Jade. I usually look at pictures on reborns .com, so I can see how different RA painted them.


Ashley is adorable. Her little limbs are my favorite. But she’s not on sale. Jaycee is on sale. She paints easily and is adorable and cuddly. Ashley or Jaycee would be my suggestion. :heart:


I have Landon and I can’t wait to paint him.


I will go check out Ashley. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a sale baby either. It’s always the same babies on sale so I’m trying to find a different one.
I wish BB carried some of the ones McPhersons carried. I love a lot of those kits but the shipping takes longer to get to me than BB. BB is also more affordable. I’m only familiar with BB’s sale babies though.

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I think newborn Joseph asleep is a good one. I also like Jade because she turns out cuddly. Others that I like are Summer Rain, Dominic and Quinn. I’m sure there are more but those are the ones that come to mind first.
Here are some pics I have done of those kits.


I like Summer Rain too!

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I need to do another of her. It’s been a few years since my last.

Curious to know if anyone has ever painted Megan? I think she’s so cute!


Ashely is cute!! :heart_eyes:

I’ve done quite a few Megan’s. She seems to sell fairly well for me. I’ve done both girl and boy versions of her as well as Caucasian and AA.


Good to know! Ty!

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My personal favorites are Alexa and Elizabeth asleep of mine Or maybe the pictures came out so well they stick out in my mind. lol

I have painted Summer Rain 3 times now and I like her each time. And she is cute bald


Those three are really cute!!! I’ve been eyeing Elizabeth asleep myself. Definitely may get Summer Rain because I am ready for a bald baby! Lol.


I’m just finishing my second Megan…she’s adorable.

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I loved Jade, June, Summer Rain, Ashley, and Skya!


I’d recommend Jennie Asleep or Zuri are both very cute to me

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Oh definitely June Asleep!

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Ashley, Jade and Dominic.

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