Strange Idea?

So I’ve made memorial dolls for customers who have lost babies, or small children, and it has been a great source of comfort for them. I lost my Dad about a month ago, and have not been doing well with it (not that anyone does), but he was young and I thought we had more time together. I’m not a big collector, and only have a couple “keepers”, but the other day I saw Laura Tuzio Ross’ new baby, and looks JUST like my dad did as a baby. I was thinking about creating it as a memorial doll to cuddle with when I miss him. Strange idea, a good idea, or both?


Oh, I think it would be a wonderful idea! Think of all the “thinks” you could have about your dad as you painted❤️


I would do it. This is a cute kit!


That sounds like a comforting idea


What ever comforts you . my kids both have a reborn . some days they don’ t care but I notice my 13 years old daughter sometimes she just hugs her Miracle baby , watching TV with her or baby seating in her lap while doing homework. And dose days are when she needs more hugs from me as well. I am sure they are comforting .


Thank you! I did order one. :slight_smile:


I think it’s a great idea! I made a doll for my Great Grandma for Christmas, My great grandfather passed away in Sept. and she was lonely so I made her a baby to keep her company. We named him Cammy after my Great Grandpa and dressed him up like a little old man lol So similar idea, but not made for me personally


I think it’s good if it helps you cope. Maybe you could use a shirt of his to make a blankie or lovey??


This is a Wonderful idea. I am so sorry for your loss. xoxoxo


What ever brings you comfort is what you should do—I think it’s a wonderful idea!


Sounds like a really good idea to me. If you still have any clothing or ties of your dad’s, maybe you could use them to make a little baby-sized patchwork quilt to wrap him in memories. I’ll bet your dad would love it that you would want to make a baby that looks like him! And I’ll bet he’ll be looking over your shoulder while you are doing it!
I’m making 3 reborns that remind me of each of my children when they were babies so I can dress them in some of their old baby clothes. It’s been fun going back and checking old photos to make sure I’ve got all the details right, and I’ve enjoyed looking at a lot of kits to find ones that have the same features my little ones had as babies. It’s brought back a lot of memories and has been more fun that I had ever thought it might be.
If you think the lovely kit you showed us looks like your dad as a baby, go for it. I’ll bet you will really enjoy making it and it will have a very special place in your heart once it’s finished because of all the love it holds.


It sounds like a beautiful idea. And here’s what I think. You don’t have to tell anyone about this who wouldn’t understand and support you.


Not a strange idea at all. I would do that too, I have baby pics of both my parents. Just had not thought about making reborns of them. Is say do it.


I’m so sorry my dad passed away in December so I know how your feeling. I think it’s a great idea. You don’t have to tell anyone just you (and now we know to but we will never tell) know. Thats your own private thing. If it helps with your grief go get it done I’m sure it will help. Reborn ing in itself helps me leave problems elsewhere.


Not sure if you sew… but I have seen I think on Pinterest where you can make baby clothes out of adult clothes… that may be something you could do as well… Or if you don’t sew there are ladies on here you could send a shirt of your father’s to, and they can sew a baby outfit. @CamsGigi is one of them :slight_smile:


I think that is a great idea…!!..


I think whatever helps you, do it. I lost my mom almost 2 years ago and I struggle daily. I used to go to the cemetery every day but that stopped helping. Then I took up crocheting to keep my mind busy and that helped for a while but not anymore. Now, I do this. My mother loved dolls. She collected every kind of doll you could think of. She didn’t have any reborns but she would have if she had known about them. She was an incredible woman and my best friend in the whole world.
So, I say do what you gotta do to make it through. They would not want us to be sad for them. They are in a way better place than we are and someday we will be together again. I will be praying for you and peace in your heart about your dad.


I think it’s a wonderful idea


Isn’t that what reborns are for, to cuddle? I think you above most people have more than a valid reason to do so. So sorry for your loss. My father died about 9 yrs ago. It is still hard but time, as I am finding out, does make it easier. But, if you can cuddle with your “dad” while waiting for time to happen-do it! Believe it or not one day you will be able to look back and laugh about all the new memories you had with your reborn dad! That’s a great idea.


If it’s strange, don’t feel bad, I beat you to it! My husband bought me an Ashton Drake Cuddle Kitten by Tasha Edenholm for Christmas 2014 because the eyes and face reminded me of my dad. I know they aren’t reborns, but it was the only kit I saw that looked like him. I know what you are going through and you have my sympathy. Hugs.