Stopped reborning but not by choice

Good morning! I’ve been coming here reading and buying because that’s keeping me involved in this wonderful art. I have been incapacitated since Nov. 8 with a broken leg. I’m at my mom’s house and all my stuff is at my house! That hasn’t kept me from buying more clothes and kits; I think at least 12, to add to my over 100 hoarders collection.
But, hopefully, I can soon get back home and finish the three I was working on before I fell and can keep sharing with you.
To all you young people, take care of your bones. Calcium and vitamin d are our friends :0).


Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear this! Are you healing ok? When will you get to go home?

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Sorry to hear that. I go into withdrawal if I can’t reborn for more than a day. Is there anyone who can go get your supplies?

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Awww…hope you have a quick recovery!!!

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Sorry to hear that! But glad you’ve been able to build up your kits. You will have so much to chose from when you get back to it! Maybe someone could bring you some supplies? Feel better!!


I hope you are recovering quickly and well. Prayers…

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So sorry about your broken leg that must be awful not being able to work on your babies. Enjoy your rest and gear up for when you get to go home and get back to it!!! Happy healing!!!

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So sorry to hear that you have broken your leg…At least is has not broken your “reborning spirit”…lol

I love this…and will add to it…Don’t believe all the rubbish about exercise, exercise, exercise either…I was an aerobic instructor, use to run 6 miles a day and worked out with weights every other night for years…I now need both my knees replaced, have bone spurs in my low back and nerve damage in my neck where the nerve is slightly pinched between 2 vertebrae…so much for 1000’s of repetitions synchronized to the sound of the BeeGee’s Greatest Hits…(I know, I know, who are the BeeGees…you have to be born before 1985 to know what I am taking about…hahaha!) :smile:


Get well soon!!!:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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I know who the BeeGees are!


Yayyyyyyyy…Jean! lol Great 4/4 timing for keeping a good rhythm going to exercise to - even if it does cripple you in the end…lol


Thank you all. I am getting better. It has taken a long time of lying around. I really can’t wait to paint again.
And, yes, our bodies are in control. No matter what we do to them or put into them, if they decide to break, they do.


Sorry to hear about your leg and I hope it heals soon. Looking forward to seeing your babies.

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Praying for a speedy recovery :yellow_heart:

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Oh no. I hope you have a speedy recovery and can get back painting soon.

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I hope you can get back home soon and start reborning again!

@westernstarr Starr, even yoga is being misused and causing injuries. I closed my yogo studio because the people that need true gentle yoga are in too much pain to get to class and the younger students want to be pushed to incredible physical limitations, not understanding how detrimental it is to the body. :confused:


I’m so sorry to hear that you broke your leg. I hope you can get back to good health and reborning real soon!!! :pray:

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Oh my! Get well soon! And yep I take those vitamins every day!

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Hope you heal quickly and get back to your reborning asap…l!..:purple_heart:

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Hope you’re on the mend soon!!