Stopped reborning but not by choice

Get well soon!

Im very familiar with the BeeGees :smiley: one of my favorite songs is For whom the bell tolls

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Hi Mel…Nice to see you! and Yayyyyy I was beginning to think I was the only one out there who knew the BeeGees other than @MichelleP20 …lol

Bless her…Nice to have a partner in misery…lol Hope she doesn’t suffer too much pain…It is not much fun…

Oh, so sorry to hear that you had to close,It is good to know the info though, I wondered about Yoga…If I could go back and do it all over again…I sure would modify my routine and be a lot kinder to my body…they always say, no pain, no gain…but I have to say…pain now…more later…lol


You are correct! I was constantly having to “preach” this. We MUST be kind to our body.

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