Someone opened a case on me for my shyann

Someone opened a case on me.for. My shyann who is wearing my daughters old dress because she didn’t get the dress and.headband.even though the listing doesn’t say she’ll
Now she’s going apeshit. And.I have 667 positive feedback because we sell vintage toys on there
So I said sent her back
She says she got sent.the wrong doll because the dress isn’t there
I sent her out with lots of goodies too
I told her back
I’m livid right now
Why are people play games
I put the baby in a sleeper and a new hat with extra paci bows headbands new blanket and nicely with ribbon. I’m so p+ssed!!¡!!!’


Who is she Katie? I am going through nasty case on Ebay also

Thank you!
Her name is
No feedback
I should have known better
Thank you for all your advice
We’ve been selling on ebay for years and have only had a few issues, this one is a bit more.personal for me since it is my reborn doll, know what I mean?
I’m told her.I’d.give her ten for the dress or she can return for a refund. Hopefully she won’t leave me bad feedback since I’m doing whatever she wants but you never.know. People can be really mean
If I get a bad feedback onmy doll I will literally cry

Thanks for listening to me girls

I tried to block and it says invalid user ID

Heres her page Kristi
karidelag on eBay … 1559.l2754

Got it thanks!- Sorry this happened to you- are you able to work it out?

That’s just awful. You’d think she bought the baby just for the dress! Honestly, I think sometimes people just look at the pretty pictures and don’t bother to read the description at all. I’m so sorry this happened to you and I hope everything works out as much in your favour as possible. I always have props and different outfits that are not necessarily included in the auction, so from now on I’m going to write in bold at the top of my listing (before the pictures) PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION FOR FULL LIST OF ITEMS INCLUDED IN THIS AUCTION.

Please do let us know how this situation resolves for you.

I am so sorry for your bad experience, This world is coming to all bad.

So sorry you are having to deal with this, Katie

It would be really NICE if before opening a case, a buyer would communicate with the seller to see what can be done.

I am very, very careful with my pictures and wording…I make sure that whatever is pictured is what is sent with the doll. I learned a long time ago that very few people read descriptions; I now try to make them as short as possible. Dumb it down, so to speak.

I HOPE this gets settled to your satisfaction. Evilbay is a roller coaster.

Darn…another nut case! I only ever put my dolls in the clothes I am sending. Sometimes I send more but I have never taken a picture and not sent
the clothes. As has been said, customers are lazy and what they see is what they want. Maybe if you call and let ebay know you sent EXACTLY what
you had listed they will just shut her down. Keep us up to date on the situation.

It’s hard to believe what some customers focus on. Little detail when the doll should be the main item for her. But then, I only post photos of the doll with the clothes that come with it so there is no confusion as to clothing. And at the end of the listing, I mention that all toys or stuffed animals are only props. Maybe I need to mention it at the beginning of the listing or in parenthesis under the photo. Some people are too lazy to read those long paragraphs! Next thing you know someone is going to think the house comes with the doll since the picture shows a wall!

With as many sales as you have, I wouldn’t worry too much about one bad FB. Not like some of us that only have a few stars! I wish ebay considered the rating of both customer and seller when deciding cases. Someone with zero fb that buys one item and then leaves bad FB should be questioned by ebay as to their trustworthiness. Especially if the seller has a higher rating like you do with glowing reviews.

Guess we need to sell dolls lying naked on the grass in a city park so they can force the city to send them it…no, they might want the world with it! Anyone shooting their photos in outer space??? Shoot, forgot for a minute (honestly!) That would mean they were entitled to the universe. Getting worse and worse. Note to self…photograph only in old cardboard box on someone else’s property…and only naked babies allowed!

Thank you all for the support!
Glad to know my girls got my back
Next time I’ll be more clear so that there’s no confusion
It didn’t even occur to me because I usually put the same pretty clothes on each doll for their photos
But I can understand the confusion
But I just did not think she a dress
Well I will put a disclaimer next.time!

What’s the latest, Katie? Is she sending Shyann back or are you able to just send her the $$ for the cost of a dress?? If she DOES send that baby back, she’d better arrive in pristine condition, or you can fight PayPal about refunding her.

Let us know what happens ~


— Begin quote from “KatiePerry”

Next time I’ll be more clear so that there’s no confusion
It didn’t even occur to me because I usually put the same pretty clothes on each doll for their photos

— End quote

The photos are major part of the description and people expect to get what they see. It is very easy to miss a disclaimer, especially when people use their mobiles to search eBay.
I do not even include a toy in the photos, unless I plan to include it.

I have just the other day looked at a reborn, and could not see what kit it was; I scrolled up and down searching for it, and then asked the seller. Only to be told off by the seller to read her description It was there, but my computer must have skipped that part as I was scrolling up and down the page with many large, taking too long to come up, photos, and all sort of irrelevant drivel between the pics. Also, i came across several listings for reborns that are too wide; the only way to see the whole text is to scroll all the way down and there is a side scroll bar, which needs to be set just right so when you scroll back up to the text you do not cut off anything on either side. I was on my computer; I can imagine people with screen smaller than that would have lots of problems reading all the info.

— Begin quote from “Ludmila”

— Begin quote from “KatiePerry”

Next time I’ll be more clear so that there’s no confusion
It didn’t even occur to me because I usually put the same pretty clothes on each doll for their photos

— End quote

The photos are major part of the description and people expect to get what they see. It is very easy to miss a disclaimer, especially when people use their mobiles to search eBay.
I do not even include a toy in the photos, unless I plan to include it.

I have just the other day looked at a reborn, and could not see what kit it was; I scrolled up and down searching for it, and then asked the seller. Only to be told off by the seller to read her description It was there, but my computer must have skipped that part as I was scrolling up and down the page with many large, taking too long to come up, photos, and all sort of irrelevant drivel between the pics. Also, i came across several listings for reborns that are too wide; the only way to see the whole text is to scroll all the way down and there is a side scroll bar, which needs to be set just right so when you scroll back up to the text you do not cut off anything on either side. I was on my computer; I can imagine people with screen smaller than that would have lots of problems reading all the info.

— End quote

I’ve seen that loads of times on my computer. For me, it’s usually because my ‘favourites’ bar is pinned to the side, and the issue resolves once I close it.

I use Firefox; it might be the browser issue. But it does not matter what caused the problem; I have sold several reborns to old people who were not really computer savvy; they only just managed to find what they wanted and buy; one actually had her granddaughter to buy for her, and she did not even know how to read her emails, which caused bit of a problem because she paid by DD and I did not notice and I opened NPB dispute (after 2 reminders and no answer) oooops. Fortunately, we did work it all out, and she did not leave any FB - probably did not know how to …

I have also had somebody contacting me and asking if I can send them some more photos of the baby I had listed so she can see bit of the details and the rooting. I replied:
“Yes, sure, but I am not sure if I can take any pictures that would show the details and rooting any better than the dozen plus that are in the listing” and she answered:
“I was looking at the listing on my mobile, could not see any pictures in the template” . So i assume when people are looking on their mobiles they can also miss things.

i used to list with about 20 photos, now I only use as many as I need to show what needs to be shown. There are too many listings that have practically same shot over and over again. I do the whole baby, face, rooting, hands & feet, and then some cute lifelike poses.

I never thought about the mobiles might not be showing everything…
that’s all we need!

I do not dress my babies in anything that is not going home with it. Background blankets are the only “props” I use.

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Here is one listing that does not show for me too good; I tried both Firefox & Chrome. ebay item # 161204899392 In both browsers it need to be scrolled down. Then use the sideways scroll bar to be able to read all the text. There are not many pics in the listing so it is not as difficult as listings that have many large fille photos.

Does it show OK for anybody; if it does what browser do you use>

— Begin quote from “Ludmila”

Here is one listing that does not show for me too good; I tried both Firefox & Chrome. ebay item # 161204899392 In both browsers it need to be scrolled down. Then use the sideways scroll bar to be able to read all the text. There are not many pics in the listing so it is not as difficult as listings that have many large fille photos.

Does it show OK for anybody; if it does what browser do you use>

— End quote

It is cut off on my iPad. Width is greater than what it will display.

This one is the only one I could find in hurry to show what I am talking about; somewhere in the middle there is a text that gets cut off, just little bit. That is basically, what I have seen a lot off, but on large listings with lots of photos and the text as wide as the page, the text is not readable.

I was trying to find something that would not be against BB rules. This listing I cannot center at all:

I have seen many for reborn babies, just like this one.