Someone opened a case on me for my shyann

I have the right side missing in my iPad, but if I mess with it, I can scroll over.

— Begin quote from “pia”

I have the right side missing in my iPad, but if I mess with it, I can scroll over.

— End quote

I could not center it because I had the wrong horizontal scroll bar, LOL
But the point is that in a huge listing it takes ages to get to the bottom to the correct scroll bar, and it is easy to miss some info that is somewhere in the middle amongst 25 almost identical photos. It’s one thing to find something you know is there, when checking your own listing, and another when just looking.

I sent her $15 so she can get an outfit and I apologized and she left me positive feedback thank goodness
I will take this as a learning experience

That is wonderful!

WHEW!!! Glad it worked in your favor, Katie…YAY!!! We live, we learn, that’s for sure.

Phew, that’s a relief. Sorry you had to go through that and glad that it worked out in your favour, but it was a valuable lesson for all of us.

Thanks for sharing!

had the same thing happen…people are sick on the internet