So good!

@Sony72 you are awesome! :+1:t2::heart:


I am friends with Sue Ellen, but I haven’t been on facebook much. I really hate FB. I’m sure that something developed without the additive that makeup has would be better, but the Pan Pastels are not the answer for me so I am back to using the powders until I can find something better. Are you using the FX powders? If so, how are they. I’m looking forward to Sue Ellens. I thought maybe she had decided not to do it after MG came out with hers…


I haven’t tried the powders yet… I only bought the cs powders but then was afraid to use them. I’m so glad I didn’t invest in the pastels. I hate fb too, I only go there for specific things.


The PanPastels are very strong and have to be mixed with the blending powder to do much with them. I wish April Yap were still here to post her pics. She has done some lovely shading with them. Overall I think painting with any type pigment powders is not for everyone. Just because some people love it does not mean everyone will. When I tested the Coastal Scents I came to the same feeling that Ludmilla has expressed, that I could do better with my Genesis paints. Since I have switched to air dry paints I have used the Baby FX powders some and I liked the results I got but I do not use them the way Sue-Ellen teaches to do the majority of my coloring. I briefly looked at Sue-Ellen’s tutorials and the way she paints but I have my own way of doing things that works for me and I don’t do things just the way she does. I like to use the Baby FX pigments as enhancements. When I get back from IDTS I will play with the PanPastels more and decide if I like them on dolls. I have a lot of money in them for several colors now but I love art so if they don’t work in my dolls for me I will make pretty cards/art with them. So I am not worried about what I have spent. That’s not to say that I think everyone should try them. I just have had fun playing around with things.


Glad to see it back up, too. I was getting really bored.:grin:

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I looked at some of your babies and I will definitely respect your opinion!


Thank you Pia, I love your babies too :slight_smile:

I also really like the effects that people get with the powders. But I do not trust that rubbing lanolin, and the other stuff in CS, will make the paints last. The thing is that all that stuff that I do not trust is the stuff, I am sure, that makes the CS powders so easy to spread on the vinyl.

I did buy the blending powder for the PanPastels, and that made the colour lighter but not less bright. Basically, none of the colours are the right hue for baby.

I am sure I will come up with something to do with them, but in this moment I have so much to do, and I would really like to start doing some mosaics; in this moment anywhere you look in my house, if there is not a doll part then there is a box of tiles LOL And the glues and grouts, which I bought last year in bulk, have only very limited shelf life.

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Mosaics! What an interesting hobby. What kind of mosaics do you make? Do you make art pieces, or do you make things like table tops? Sounds fascinating.

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Actually, I have not really started yet LOL
About year ago I saw this beautiful large deep mosaic plate as a birdbath, and decided to make one, and started shopping for tiles. There is nowhere I can get them except on line and so the inevitable happened and many that I bought looked not quite what I thought they would, and others I found later are only for inside.
So, so far my only creation is our house number; the colours are are very soft apricot, turquoise and deep purple - on my computer they look bit different:


That’s lovely, Ludmilla! I would love house numbers like that. Do you just use grout or is there a special sort of sealer? Have you seen any of the ones made from broken cups and saucers? Some of them are quite pretty.

I love this bookshelf. The only problem is, when you set anything on it the mosaic would be obscured.

I should have said that I didn’t make this. It’s off Pinterest. I WISH i had made it!


Oh wow those are both nice!

Love your bookshelves. I have for years tried to collect pretty old plates to make something with, but they are hard to come by. My street number reflects the seaside location of this area, and I just grouted it. I did not seal it, but it is under wide veranda, it never gets rain.

It sounds like it’s pretty where you live. We live on a Peninsula, so there is lots of water surrounding us, but none can be seen from our house.

I wish they were “my” bookshelves. I just saw them on Pinterest and thought they made a pretty example of the art done from broken dishes.

ooops, I thought you made it. I saw on ebay somebody selling quite reasonably priced bags of broken plates; unfortunately, the cost of shipping from US makes it too expensive.

So pretty!

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Just go thrift shopping. You can break them yourself and relieve stress at the same time, LOL!

I do go to thrift shops but they are not all that cheap, they do not sell anything that is too damaged; apparently cracked china could be dangerous, so they do not sell it. I bought some pretty plates but did not have the heart to smash them LOL


You are so right. Maybe garage sales?

Love this bookshelf!

garage sales seem to gone out of fashion here; I imagine people put stuff on eBay nowadays