Show us your show babies progress!

I know ROSE is coming up soon and then we have DOTW and after that Kansas. I have been working 8-10 hours a day painting on my days off (T, Fri, Sat.) and sometimes on Sunday afternoons. I am SO very tired but yesterday I finished all my painting! My vinyl kits are all laid out and ready to have lashes affixed/rooted and then assembly! It could not have happened soon enough either because I have been having a flair up with my herniated disc this past week and been in a lot of pain. I am so relieved to be done with this stage of the process. Here is a photo I took of them.

Also, on a happy note, I sold my last baby from last year’s show this weekend. It was a little 1/4 limb silicone Sleepy Gina. I am very glad because I really did not want to have to take her back to the show again this year. I prefer not to have any repeats. LOL


All your babies are gorgeous. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Can’t wait to see them at Rose!

Awe thank you! Unfortunately, I won’t be attending ROSE. Only DOTW as a vendor. I go to Kansas to hang out and have fun and help out Janan Duncan.


Aww I was hoping to meet you. I live in southwest Missouri so I should go to the Kansas show but Hubby and I have never been west of the Rockies so we are looking forward to sightseeing too. I might sneak up to Kansas if hubby wants it is a long weekend so maybe…

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Oh if you do go to Kansas look for me at Janan Duncan’s table. My Forever Babies. I will be helping her.

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Sounds great!

Come find me at KDS at Table 21. There are several forum friends that attend KDS.

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If I get to come I will.

Adorable!! Who’s the pouty face in the back? I love your version of Ava!

I hope you continue to share progress photos!

Thank you very much! The pouty one is Ducklin. I bought him from someone on here who got him from Katina.

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These babies :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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All those cute babies!

What a Great looking group of babies!! I wish you all the best when the show rolls around. Hopefully you’ll sell them all and won’t have to bring any back home again… Good Luck, @anjsmiles

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Sooooo, where is everyone else’s show baby progress? I know there is not just me.

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Not the best photo but the best from the top of the ladder… LOL
Spent a few hours yesterday trying to figure out a 6ft x 2 ft space (hence the blank table at the top)
Still have to figure out smaller details, add ribbon, finish paci clips, teether rings, etc

Vending at ROSE 2024 - Table 14, Funfetti Alley


Are the tables only 24” deep at ROSE! That would be a real squeeze.

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Yes. I normally buy a booth and bring my folding tables (I drive there)
But this year I only got a table.


I thought 30” was the standard width? KDS does 18”x2…

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18x 2?

The tables at KDS are 6 ft by 18” but two are pushed together to make them 6ft by 3ft.

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