Should I keep going? How do you know you are done?

I had a different vision for Londyn when I started her, but now I am kind of liking her with sparse painted hair? Do I keep going and bring this down in front more or leave it be? Sometimes I don’t know when to quit. I will add a strand of hair here, another there, go over a vein in a spot, add a single brow hair and on and on. How do you decide you are done?

And if you have painted Londyn, I would love to see yours. Here is mine…so far…


Are you satistfied with how she has turned out? I usually stop when I’m satisfied with how my baby looks. Sometimes I do go over little details like veins or add another coat of blushing before I finish. Do you have any pics of the back of her head? --Oh! you read my mind. I think it looks good. I might add a little on the side, it looks like there’s a bald triangular spot.

I am NEVER satisfied. That is part of my problem. I will finally say I am OK with how this is, but the imperfections jump out at me and I won’t be satisfied.


I just mixed up a lighter brown to fill that in as I want that section to be like super thin and sparse. If I can keep from filling in too much.

Oh, okay. Well, in my opinion you shouldn’t stop until you are satisfied with her. Why are you not satisfied?

I like the dark on top. Maybe you should mix some lighter brown and even blonde to fill out the front where babies hair is usually thinner and sparser.

It is not just her, its just more generally. I always see something I want to improve upon and its hard to let it go and improve that on the next baby I paint. I want perfection haha

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Ohhh…For me, I take pictures of what I want to improve on–eyelashes, eyebrows, rooting, etc. And then I compare skills from other artists to see how I can improve. But I understand on wanting to be perfect.

I am going to try that. Maybe I will stop for tonight and come back with fresh eyes. Those brows just about did me in…I am getting better but they make me so nervous.

Its hair and brows that make me consider GHSP. I paint with air dry so if I get a layer I don’t like, its hard to get rid of it and not lose what I had that I did like.

I do the pictures too. It does help to see that I am improving even if its not as fast as I want.

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I’m never satisfied with my work either. I just have to force myself to let it be good enough and keep going with the next one.

I hate eyebrows and I use ghsp. It’s extremely hard to find a brush that will get the results that I want.

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I have just started doing shading with some brown prisma pencils, because all of my brush bristles split up and my eye brows end up looking horrible!

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Same here. I have bought so many brushes and have yet to find one that I love. But however bad my brushe stroke brows look, Prisma is worse. I asked on another boar how to get my hair smoother since I cannot blot with thinner like GHSP users so and they suggested vodka so I will give it a try on a test piece and we’ll see.

Actually the brows are coming along. This was with a Princeton 30/0—I do not love the brush, but it is the best for me so far,


@jennyk, you sound like me! I’m never satisfied and keep doing things to my babies. The problem is that I usually end up doing something that I don’t like and can’t fix, then sit there wanting to strip it. Sigh. Your brows look really good! I never found a brush that I loved, but am quite happy with one that I made by cutting most of the hairs off, leaving just a few.


So true…

She is looking good!!! I like your brows!!!

Thank you all. I am going to add some hair, let her cure for a few days, lashes, seal, and call her done.

Cherielynn09, thank you! I am working on better brows. I have a belly plate covered in practice brows!

So true, so true! Love it, I need to print that out and hang it by my desk.

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I love her hair!!! If you think your able to keep that nice sparce look and still bring it down a bit I think it would look nice :blush:

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