Should I keep going? How do you know you are done?

I think she looks just right @jennyk

Thank you Nikki!

@Summer I think I accomplished bringing her hair down a little and lightly filling in some spots. I want to paint hair like Gina Tobin, sigh…maybe someday.

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Oh YAY! You did a great job!!! I love the sparce thin look :heart_eyes: I can’t wait to see a picture :blush:

Thank you! Hopefully, pictures soon. I do love this sculpt. She has more detail than I expected.

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I LOVE how you did her hair! I’d bring it forward a bit more maybe another inch. How lovely!

Thank you Katie! I did bring it down about an inch or so but kept it thin light strokes. I use air dry paint and I am trying to stay away and stop tinkering so I can let it all cure and seal. I don’t know what is wrong with me, if I look I tinker trying to make it better, better, better. Someone needs to hide my paint brushes and paints! I chickened out on trying the vodka wash. I need a test head for that, but it is supposed to help blend a little better than just water would.

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