Shipping Delay in So Carolina?

Anyone one from S.C. Who is having delivery delays? I shipped 2 reborns last week 12-2 & 12-3 to So Carolina and both are delayed and No Movement since 12-5. Don’t think it’s my area (So. California) as they have both arrived in So. Carolina… but stuck at the distribution center :frowning:

Both shipped Priority Mail. Customers getting nervous this close to Christmas.


Call the post office. I looked up addresses and contacted. Mine sat up the road for two weeks.

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There’s lot of issues with USPS currently. Since about mid-Nov my last few packages receiving and sending has taken almost 2 weeks. I’ve been waiting for eyes they made it all the way on time to the facility/city right before it goes to my local PO and all of sudden they went STATES away and hasn’t updated in 4 days.


I’ve had no problem with shipping in SC. Everything I’ve ordered has even got to me early. I had one package delayed but it was shipped within SC. I know my post office even has multiple cars that run throughout the day that just deliver packages.

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I’m glad you posted this. I bought something on eBay a week or two ago and it comes from SC. I bought two other babies after that one and they got to me already. I’m STILL waiting for the SC baby and it keeps saying on it it would be delivered yesterday, but from the tracking details, it looks like it hasn’t even left SC yet.

It has also been said if Covid is high in a state, that will influence shipping. NC and SC are hot spots.

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I shipped a doll head same day 12-2 and it reached its destination next day although it was in the same state (California).

It’s no just SC, USPS delayed everywhere now. This is why I shipped dolls only by UPS - so far always on time.


If they are at the Charleston, SC Post Office…then, yes, for some reason they always have delays. I’ve had things arrive there earlier than expected and then it takes 3 to 4 days to get them…this was even before Covid.

Just recently I had one package arrive there at 12am, then another of my packages arrive at around 4am…I managed to get the 4am one, but the one that arrived earlier took 3 extra days to get here…I don’t get it. They were both similar sized packages that were not very big.


I had a package stuck at the Greenville distribution center for several days. I’m glad it wasn’t a doll!

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I traded with someone here and never got the item. Only a couple of states away. Our mail has been terrible both receiving and sending. We are in coastal sc. I’ve sent out dolls and they have been late. So the usual 15th deadline for priority doesn’t apply this year.

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I think the issue is half the time all our packages go to Greensboro NC and then get sent straight to a post office. We have a distribution center in Greenville SC but they get sent out of state and that just adds all of our packages with NC to make everything so slow. If the package goes through Greenville you get it real quick and it’s all on time and sometimes even early. If they get sent to NC then delays are to be expected. I just had a package that I ordered from Florence SC and it went to NC and it sat for days before it finally got to my post office. While in the mean time all my packages from out of state came through Greenville and I got them early.

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Thank you all for your response. This is the first time I’ve had a major delay in my packages. I always ship Priority and all my packages this last week have been delivered except for these 2. It has me worried.

Mine has been in Greenville. It still says delivery date of Monday, Dec 7. :crazy_face:

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SC is a wreck with the mail.


Wish I knew ahead of time! I think it was like Nov 30 when the sale was complete!

Same here by Chicago there seems to be a black hole that sucks them in.


Sounds about right lol I guess SC is just slow in general lol

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I have been waiting on a custom body that was shipped out on the 29th. It has been sitting in Jeresy City since the 3rd. Shipping is slow everywhere.

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Same with Atlanta Distribution Center. Mailed out on 12/2 from Atlanta and it still in Atlanta Distribution Center on 12/9. :rage: