Seriously the most painful labor on the planet!

This baby has tried my patience from the second I picked him up! I’m not sure if there is just something wrong with the head, as the limbs have been fine, but it has been one disaster after another with him. Initially, his tones went a little too deep with a slight chalkiness, so I stripped him. That’s when the real fun began. I’ve only done a few babies with Ultimate Fusion, and this is the first time I’ve had to strip one. My first two layers were red and yellow, and the kit stained a horrible orange. He looked like a pumpkin. I corrected with dozens of layers of violet washes, and adding in a few white washes (thank you @Vanniek for that bit of advice) before I could get back to a somewhat light peach tone. Things were looking up, but then the slight chalkiness returned. It’s mostly around the nose, but I can see it other places on the face. His left eye would not stay where I placed it and kept drifting towards the nose. His nose got too red, which resulted in stripping it - twice. I have never been so glad to finish a baby and get him off my table…I swear, he gives me dirty looks with his judgemental eyes :rofl: :rofl: Here is my cursed

Dominic awake~


This is the most beautiful Dominic awake I have ever seen! So gorgeous!!


You are way too kind…thank you :heart:

All your frustrations were worth it in the end – he turned out great!


Your problem child turned out great in the end!


Well your long labor was amazingly productive! He’s gorgeous!


He was definitely worth the effort; he’s BEAUTIFUL :two_hearts:

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But he’s beautiful now!

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Well it was all worth it, that boy is beautiful!

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He’s so sweet!! Love him!! :heart_eyes:

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Yeah girl, You really struggled with this baby and all the while I thought he was gorgeous. I know you’ll be glad when he’s shipped but I still think he’s absolutely Amazing! So much that I wish he were mine! :heart_eyes:

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Beautifil little one. His skin tones are lovely. :footprints: :baby:

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Precious <3

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That is a stunning baby! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I would never know that you had so much trouble with him.


Oh he is perfection :heart_eyes:

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You are such a sweetheart! Thank you for all of your help. He’s out of my hands and on his way to his Mama!

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I think he’s gorgeous!!

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Thank you @YelenaRey!

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He is amazing!

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