Seriously the most painful labor on the planet!

Thank you all so much for the sweet comments :heart: I’m just so excited to have him out of the way so I can finish my custom Laila. I could paint her peaceful non awake face every day LOL


He is gorgeous!!

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I would talk for him. Hey Mom🤗, The Labor maybe was hard, but can you stop and look at me now, Is there anything more handsome in the whole forum than me? Thank you mom😘.


This made me giggle.

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I agree!! He’s beautiful! I hate he was so tough though. If it’s any consolation, you did a really, really fabulous job on him.


Thank you :heart:

I have vowed that I am never, ever painting this kit again… :smile:
The sleeping version gave me no trouble at all, and in all honestly, I feel the awake version is more dolly than realistic.

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I like Dominic Awake, but I do tend to like dolly looking faces!

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It was worth the pain! He is beautiful.

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Thank you :heart:

He turned out so gorgeous!

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Thank you so much!

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: beautiful!

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Thank you :heart:

Seriously gorgeous. I was expecting a Martian by the way you were describing the poor thing. :rofl:

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Thank you! At one time, he looked like an Oompah Loompah!

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