Sculpts that you are just, tired of?

Hi ladies.
I’m wondering if there are any sculpts that you are just tired of? I get requests for Angelica by Reva, so many times. I’ve begun to really dislike her. lol
I’ve made so many, I lost count now!
Are there any like that for you? :slight_smile:

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I would love to see some of the ones you have made :slight_smile: …As for me I cant say that, I have yet to repeat a sculpt.

Sure… Here are a few I have made.


They cute lil rebornteens…lol

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I get so many orders for that sculpt, there have been a few times when I have begged the customer to choose a different sculpt. LOL!

Do you make a lot off them? They are huge lol.

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Eh, not really…When you factor in time, and hair to root them…I walk away making about 100$, if I’m lucky.
Friends keep telling me to increase prices. But people are cheap. LOL!!

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I agree with that. I do better buying cheaper bb kits and making $150-200 of them then I do buying a $150 kit lol.

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Yeah exactly. :slight_smile: The larger sculpts are nice…but they’re not big on any kind of real profit.

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@taylorsgirl They are wonderful, I love them, I would have to actually sell a couple of babies to get a kit, where did you buy them?

Macphersons has the larger child dolls. :slight_smile:
Here is the link to them.


I’m not a fan of the big gaping mouth on them…It seems to be a trend tho, I’ve seen more sculpts coming out who have it.

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They are all gorgeous!!!


:slight_smile: Thank you.

The reason I’m not fond of Saskia also…

Those large kits… how do you bake them???

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Twin A and B are cute and Saskia too … But I hate the idea we can only make one of them for the contest In the ROSE do show … It will be so many twin A and B and saskia … I think it was a bad idea … Just my opinion though …

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In my home oven…they are in pieces. So, I Bake the head and arms together…Then the legs, and the torso. Time consuming.

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Oh my. I would be so scared to drop one and ruin it. Plus I have lots of people who eat food from the oven… so that is a no-no for me… but if I ever do air dry… I would love to try a big kit!


I pretty much stopped doing them, for the fact that they are time consuming and I don’t make much on them. To make a profit I would have to price them over 600$ and people would have a stroke. LOL! I don’t use the oven for food, but if I did…it would be an issue. I have a full sized oven in my doll room for dolls. We replaced our working home oven with a new one, so.I kept it. :slight_smile:


@taylorsgirl they should go for that price or much more, too bad. That is disapointing,