Sculpts that you are just, tired of?

In my experience, people love my work, but they don’t want to pay a higher price for it. I made a child sized fairy, with huge hand made wings. and everyone loved her. But once I told them her price, they told me I was crazy lol

Here she is.

So she’s just displayed in my doll room. :slight_smile:


She is lovely! You said you do not sell on here but do you sell on


She is stunning, I can’t believe they won’t sell. Maybe an international site would be better for them.

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I’m about to set myself up on at the start of next month. I will share when I do. :slight_smile:


Lisa scherer. I dislike this the most of all the kits I have done!!! Some people have done a great job… But this kit has been an issue from the get. Terrible vinyl on mine plus I just do not like it!!! This will be a bargain baby!!!

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I love your twilight doll. First thing I thought of when I saw her so she’s right on point :ok_hand:t3:

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:slight_smile: Thank you.
I sold her and I SO wish I hadn’t. lol

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Wow…!!..your dolls are gorgeous…as is that darling fairy…!!..but you’re so right…people just don’t want to pay so if we are using inexpensive sculpts and paint them well and do nice hair then we can be satisfied to make 100.00 per doll…!!..

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