SCORE! I GOT AN OVEN! Now I need paint advice


I just got a NU Wave Pro Plus Oven with an extender ring and the amber oven part for TWENTY FIVE BUCKS!!! I may have to clean it like a mad woman but OMGOSH!!! I am so excited. I didn’t want to spend a ton on supplies to do one project to see if I love this or not. I do want to do this just for me and my kids (was gonna say girls but my little boy wants his own doll now) so I’m not going to be trying to re-coop costs so this is HUGE!!! I am tickled tickled tickled. EEEKKKK!!!

First project is going to be a Fawna done as a baby Rudolph for under the Christmas tree laying in a mini sleigh that we have. The kit was on sale yesterday and I didn’t order it because I was still adding to my cart and didn’t have time to get through my whole list. It’s not on sale today so I’m just going to wait until it is on sale again to order.

I’m going to do GSHP so what colors should I get? I already have the primary colors and baby skin in the cart. I figure for the reindeer I can mix the primary colors to get the colors that I want using the GHSP chart. I’m also going to try to redo an old old baby doll that I have had since I was 2 years old. She’ll be practice baby project. What colors y’all? I don’t want to get a kit because I’ve read over and over that so many people don’t use all the colors. I am going to do Caucasian skin tones on her. I know I’ll need vein and mottling colors, eyelid colors…what else? I have my thnner and varnish coming from amazon. Planning to get brushes from Micheals and some paper towel holders from the dollar tree to use as a drying rack. TIA!


Sounds like lots of fun. Be careful that your baby doll is bakeable. You don’t want to melt her.


Ok so I took her apart and that ain’t gonna work. She doesn’t have body parts that will attach to a regular cloth body. Oh well. Next idea - going to go search easy kits to start with. Still need paint suggestions! Thanks :slight_smile:

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Dollar tree has better brushes in the make up aisle
The wet & wild brushes are great for washes.

Make up sponges you can pluck for mottling

glass dishes to mix thinner and paint in

I just got these little plastic containers with lids for mixing storing and keeping my paints covered

As far as paint colors that I use most
Vein blue
Ult blue
Eyelid purple
Titanium white
Flesh 08&07&06
Yellow ochre

I don’t have raw umber or burnt sienna but I’m thinking those might be great for your fawn as well as the flesh pack BB sells to get that darker deer skin look and people swear by it for adding warmth to baby skin

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Thank you so much, you are such a huge help!

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Don’t encourage me lol I will drown you with info

I’m all ears. I keep taking breaks from working on case studies to research reborning. What do you use the yellow ochre for? And do you have any special advice for the mottling layers? I have watched the Reborn with Me Tutorials but she doesn’t tell the mixtures for the colors since they are part of another artist’s tutorials that she makes money off of. Are there any free recipes for good colors of the different mottling layers?

ETA: Do you replace brushes often or have you been able to keep the same ones? I have a nice set of makeup brushes that I got for Christmas that hasn’t even been opened yet. I could use that. But I won’t if I’m going to be replacing it.

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I just use crimson or vein blue or eyelid purple on a mottling sponge
I used tweezers to pluck out random chunks to create the texture

Yellow ochre I use as a wash.
Use the search tool to search the Forum for red blue yellow method it is where you use thin layers of red blue and yellow washed to create your skin tone. I thought it was crazy but it changed my painting

Left is before using RYB (red yellow blue) method


WOW! I am off to research that next! THANKS AGAIN!

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Oh and you are going to need some kind of drying rack to put your parts on after you paint them

I’m going to get my husband to make me one. He’s super handy and can build anything, he made a mahogany tongue and groove rocking cradle for our first baby while I was pregnant so a drying rack will be a piece of cake. I’ve already got some projects lined up for him once he finishes my backyard beach that he’s making me for my birthday, lol. He’s cleaning his tools out of my laundry room right now to give me an area to set up. He has a big tool shed in the yard so I don’t know why he thinks he needs them in the house too. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve been asking him to do it since we moved in this house almost 2 years ago so that I can set up my sewing machine and serger but since I’m in nursing school it hasn’t been top priority. But I’ve got a 3 week break coming up and I graduate in August so I’m ITCHING to go!

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That’s a good deal!

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@PhotographyForLife, you have me convinced. Between everything I’ve seen on the forum, the videos I’ve watched on youtube and your pictures, I’m going with the primary method. Can you tell me the steps that you go in from start to finish for your layers? I’ve watched the Enchanted Kreature Kits Nursery Videos on YouTube and think I could follow her tutorial to do the baby that I am planning to do for my youngest daughter’s birthday at the end of June. I’m just worried about not putting on a base layer since it will be my first doll and I don’t want to stain the vinyl.

Also, to anyone who might know, I am going to order the 18" Dumplin kit. It’s just a reborn, not a realborn. It doesn’t have full limbs but I want to do full limbs on the doll. If I order a set of 18" full limbs they will have to be realborn limbs because that’s all BB has in stock. Will the vinyls match in color, texture, and softness? Or do I need to try to find some 18" reborn full limbs? I’m a little weary of doing realborn limbs anyway since it seems they’ll have alot more detail and I think it may be too much for my first doll. Thoughts? Thanks in advance for entertaining all of my newbie questions!

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Are you using heat set or air dry? Watch a lot of tutorials. There are too many layers to list them all and everyone has their own method and order of paint application. You can seal the vinyl before you paint it if you want. The primary method is very thin washes of red, yellow and blue. Do the blue last. It’s the most likely to stain. You can buy 18" full limbs that will work. The vinyls may or may not match if you buy them separately. Wouldn’t it be easier to use the limbs that come with it for your first one or just buy a full limbed kit? How old is your daughter?

@jeanhai thanks for your response! Is it rude for me to ask that? I’m sorry! I’m just learning and want to absorb as much as I can. I think I am just going to order a set with full limbs. My daughter will be 5. I my oldest (11) got one for her birthday after many years of asking. She’s done amazing with caring for the doll. My youngest wants to help every second and it’s driving my oldest cray cray. So I thought I would make one and let that be my first learning experience and let her have the doll instead of buying one for her as well. Win win, right?

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It’s not rude, there’s just way too many steps to list on a forum thread. Kim at has a very good, step by step tutorial. You can pause it as you go so you can easily follow along with her. What kind of paint will you use?

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If you could get a smaller kit like maybe 14"-16" that is such a sweet size for a child her age.

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I’m going to get GHSP. I’m watching YouTube tutorials on all my study breaks and taking meticulous notes.

I was thinking of a preemie kit but aren’t they harder to do as a first reborn since they are so tiny and wrinkly? I’m thinking of doing Aspen Awake and getting her a 17” body instead of the 19”

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I did Rosebud as my first kit and she wasn’t bad. I know you are wanting full legs though. I haven’t painted Aspen but I did paint Leif and he is a smaller size baby. Aria is a sweet smaller realborn also. I have painted Bean and she is a sweet size BB kit with full limbs.

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