SCORE! I GOT AN OVEN! Now I need paint advice

I switch up my painting each time, but I generally do a
base coat of flesh 07
then creases, shading, veins and mottling with red and vein blue
then thin thin thin yellow, red blue color washes.
Then depending on what the kit needs… more color washes etc and thin layers of blushing cheeks hands and feet’s :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have found that some of the natural brushes I’ve bought get out of shape quickly but the wet & wild ones have stayed really nice for a long time.

Swissher latex free make up wedges from Walmart start to fall apart after a kit and a half but I love the soft blending they create. I usually use the same one for blending whatever paint layer I just did red yellow blue whatever

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Thanks again!

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