Saving for when you are good enough

Wow really? Your amazing I can’t imagine you messing up

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When I start a baby I know a basic look I desire for him or her, but I let the features dictate a lot as I go along, that’s why I won’t do customs, way too much pressure to be exact. A portrait baby will require just that!


Well, there’s some truth to that. Not every yarn works for every project.

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Yes, please do! I don’t enjoy stripping kits…

As I am slowing down one of my final kits will be a child sized kit. Thinking about Gabriella Schick. Probably next year.

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I have none that im saving, I just paint by which one Im feeling at that moment lol


I actually like the smell of Winsor and Newton now. I haven’t stripped a kit in over two years but when I use it the smell takes me back to the days when I was obsessed with reborning. I started in 2008 and used to paint a doll every month or so. Now I’m lucky if I get one done every six months (getting old and lacking the drive and energy I used to have). I’ve stripped many a doll so my advice is just paint the kits you’re saving. You may just surprise yourself and you can always strip it off if you’re not happy with it. We always learn from our mistakes and God knows I’ve made a LOT of them over the years.


You’ve valid points and I’m not getting any younger myself. I never know when I’ll go and I could at least go without saying damn, I should have just painted those kits LOL


Girl me too! The silver gets used everyday around here and so does the fine china. And it goes in the dishwasher too!



3 month Joseph sleeping. I really want to paint him myself, rather than sending him off to be painted. But I’ve only painted two kits, and that was like 10 years ago. So I’m an absolute beginner.

You can do it. Just go for it. Will you be using heat set or air dry paints?

Air dry. I used Luminaire last time.

I suggest changing paints. There are a lot of newer, good air dry paints. I’m currently using Liquitex Professional Soft Body and Hard Body acrylics. I really like them. I especially like that I don’t need a bunch of mediums-just distilled water with a little Liquitex Ultra Matte Gel mixed in with the paint.
I didn’t have a good experience with Luminaire. If you still have yours, they might be too old.

No, I got rid of mine. I’d have to order some.

I’m not aware of a lot of people who still use Luminaire. If you’ll be wanting advice and suggestions, you might want to choose one of the newer brands that people are more familiar with.

Good to know. Thanks!