🏵 ROSE International Doll Show Talk 🌹

I still have to get my gift, too.

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My daughter and I will be there for the baby shower also. Still have to grab our gifts, and floor tickets for walking the floor the next day…


I am super excited also. I just hope to get one of these dolls done so I can have the other head for rooting class. Can’t wait to meet you @lynn

You and Amy have such a long trip, are you on a nonstop flight?? I only have to come from Southern California so it’s only like a 2 hr flight for me. Still expensive though.

Amy and I do have a direct non-stop Delta flight bright and early. I think our total flight time is 3.5 hours. Not too shabby. Mine was more expensive than Amy’s. I should have got my ticket at the same time but I waited until the next morning and it was $75 more LOL.


Yikes, isn’t that the pits!! I guess it goes to show you how easy it is to part us from our money huh? That’s not a bad flight time though all the way from Florida. It takes a couple of hours just from San Diego. I’ll probably be flying on a puddle jumper or something.

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If anybody needs a shower gift, I have a few Scentsy items left that would work. I could bring it to ROSE so no shipping. PM if interested.

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I have a layover in LAX on the 19. Any chance we’ll be flying together?

No, unfortunately, I go straight from San Diego to SLC. No going to LAX. too bad cause that would have been fun to meet someone along the way!!

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Yep that be no problem we can meet whatever time yall want say when and where we’ll be there !

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That’ll be great Angel. We will make some concrete plans further down the line and let everyone know. Hope everyone has their BB Forum badges!!


Are we still picking our badges up there?

I understand that Melanie is bringing them. I have one that Miss Kitty sent to my email and I printed it out and put it in a holder and It’s all ready to go!! In fact it’s in my overnight already so I don’t forget it!! So I guess you can do it either way Helen.


Lol… Evon Nather

But now that I wrote “he” am I wrong is Evon a girl and pronounced Eve-0n…
I was thinking it was Evan… :confused:

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Lololololol funny! @Angel are you going to the baby shower?

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I am wrong… I looked her up… lol. My bad! Here is an example of her hair painting!

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Yes, I bought the combo pass, I need to get my baby shower gift

I just got my baby shower gift today. I want it!!! I might buy myself one too.


That’s what I’m afraid of too Helen, I’m afraid of finding something that I’m gonna want to keep myself!!!