šŸµ ROSE International Doll Show Talk šŸŒ¹

Ohhhhh I wonder if they will still be on sale tomorrow? I need one of those to carry with me. I have a big one here on my desk too, but I donā€™t wanna carry that.

It says thru 2/24 Guess I will run to JoAnns tomorrow


Was going to add that ROSE sells T-Shirts under the Souvenir link on the web site.


@Misstrixieism I entered the Realborn and Reborn competition last year. The rules are the same for each category and are listed on the R.O.S.E. International Doll Show web site. The only difference is that if you enter a Realborn it will be judged by both the ROSE judges and Bountiful Baby judges. I think in June the actual entry forms will be available on the ROSE website then. Bountiful Baby had a special prize for the winner and a prototype opportunity. They also gave a gift certificate to each person that entered a Realborn. For judging you dress your doll in a white onezie. When the doll is returned you can dress it however you want for display. By the wayā€¦you donā€™t just have the opportunity to win something, your work gets a lot of exposure. I hope Iā€™ve answered your questions. @MichelleP20 thanks for the sweet words.


It looks like the Baby Shower is on Thursday, July 21, 2016 Time: 7:00 pm.
I believe there is an Awards Banquet on Friday, July 22 2016 at 6 pm.


I think a lot of ladies are coming alone. I would be coming alone too but it worked out where Amy and I can fly together.

Iā€™ve never been but I bet everyone is friendly :smile:


You wonā€™t be alone once you get there!


Iā€™ve never been to the ROSE show but I am going this year and I will be alone!!! I think a lot of the women there will be alone but not for long. I canā€™t wait to meet our forum friends and get to know them finally. In fact I was just thinking today that I might take my ā€œbigā€ suitcase in case I find lots of kits and goodies to buy. Normally I would take my small case for this amount of time BUT this is DIFFERENT, I need to SHOP!!! Canā€™t wait till JULY!!!


I am driving with my 12 yr old.
My husband was worried at first that we would be alone. I was like ā€œItā€™s a DOLL showā€ā€¦ there shouldnā€™t be any mean people or violenceā€¦ lol


Youā€™re right, of course, but there may be some "crazyā€™ ladies there!!! And donā€™t fight over any good sales, lololol !!!


Gosh I have been to many doll shows over the years and canā€™t imagine anyone being nasty. I have never run into that, thank goodness!! However I can see vendors concerns in having people touch their wares as some folks arenā€™t very careful in the way they handle things. Another thing is children------some people donā€™t watch their kids and let them just run-a-muck. A doll show where people have lots of money involved in the creation of their products is NOT the place to let your kids run wild, and sometimes vendors have to say things. Hope Iā€™m not offending anyone here. But I think the ROSE show is going to be wonderful and we are all going to have such a good time, canā€™t wait!!!


Would anyone know how to pay the balance for a class? I have paid the deposit for the class but the PayPal button is gone so I canā€™t pay the balance. @Jacky

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Hey everybody! :slight_smile: I posted a thread with everybodyā€™s names that I have so far that Iā€™m making badges for. Let me know if you can think of anybody else who may want one. Feel free to tag folks on my thread. Iā€™d rather make one and not have someone show, then the other way around. Iā€™m making them vertical unless you tell me you want horizontal. Oh and tell me your nursery name even if ya think I already know it, IF you want it on your badge. :slight_smile:


You are the SWEETEST to be doing this ! Thank you so much !!!


What are the dimensions for the badges? Iā€™m trying to buy my badge holder and donā€™t know what size to buy? Helpā€¦anybody???

Helen, they are the size of a credit card (where the badge will actually go) the plastic holder is a little larger. I will have extra plastic holders if you need one I can bring it to the show. I will be there on Thursday, I know you will be there for a class earlier so if you need it before Thursday afternoon then youā€™ll have to get it. But I think I will bring my extras just in case someone needs one.


Hi there,

I am teaching the beginner/intermediate rooting class at ROSE. I still have some spots available.

Here is my info on the ROSE class site:

Here is an eBay auction I set up for it:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/131729743230?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649**strong text**


Is anyone attending the Ashville NC Doll Shiw?


Iā€™m getting SUPER EXCITED for the ROSE Doll Show!! :rosette: Last year was so much fun!! Iā€™d never been to an expo like ROSE, it was more like a dolly party!!! :baby: :tada: Iā€™m thrilled to get to meet everyone on our forum who is attending!!