đŸ” ROSE International Doll Show Talk đŸŒč

Safe travels to everyone headed home soon! :slight_smile: :heart: It was great meeting you - @AmyR777, @Awise1to, @JillianJade, @colee1970, @honojane, @lynn, @micholc, @Blissfulbabies, @izzy, @WillowsWeeOnes


@joyce_angel1, @snuggle2me, @jubileej, @alicekay56, @Jacky @Marissa’s Mom Elise, and Willows Mom Jamie

(did I miss anyone?) :slight_smile:

I did
 :frowning: Sorry @angel - it was great meeting you also. :slight_smile: Glad your trip home is nice and short :wink: as well as Joyce’s lol


Thank you @jlesser!! It was so good meeting you 
 As well as everyone else! Prayers that everyone has a safe trip home.


I was nice meeting everybody. I head out this morning. I was able to get everything safely in my carry on. I hope they let my paint set I won pass through. It is a whole bunch of little jars but I believe they are less than 3oz each.


Thank you to all of you, I enjoyed the pics and Rose talk. Sad to see it over. :cry: Safe travels everyone!

I’m home with nothing but good to say about the ROSE experience. I had so much fun meeting everyone mentioned above.
@AmyR777 If you are reading this, how is your pressure point? LOL.
@colee1970 I hope you didn’t get anymore “bad wienies”.
@lynn Buy some green bananas. Invest in your future! Better yet, when the time comes, “GET A PUPPY!”

To all the rest of you that I met in person, I only wish I had had more time with each of you. I love you guys. What an amazing and wonderful experience. I recommend it anyone who didn’t get to go this year. There is nothing like discover that your online friends are exactly the people you thought they were and that you are SO, SO happy you know them. Love you guys!


I am so glad you 2 arrived home safely. :heart: It was so nice to meet you and your husband.


We just got here. I’m too tired to even try to post pictures!


I had a blast and enjoyed seeing EVERYONE!!! Let’s all do this again. Baby hugs and kisses.


ROSE was so fun! I laughed so much, Thanks to @AmyR777, @izzy, @Blissfulbabies, @Angel and @colee1970! Lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: They are all so sweet and special! Love you guys! :heart: I’m definitely coming next year!


Love you too Willow!!

@honojane. Helen that post is too funny LOL!!!


Not sure if I talked to you while we were there but we LOVED your avatar!!! :heart:

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It was great to meet all of you as well. I am planning on scaling back next year. No teaching class and maybe only one table of babies. That way I can have more time to play and visit!


I hope you had a great class though! How were your sales?

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Class was good. I really liked a couple of the ladies in the class. And sales for me were awesome. I sold 10 out of 12 babies.


I just didn’t have as much time to visit and play as I wanted to. That is the real reason for going to the show and doing the class takes so much time in addition to teh actually teaching hours there are is set up and prep that leaves very little time for fun!

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Please post ROSE pics & videos Here! - #90 by nanamarie

More pics will come. I have lots to share with everyone. One of the best weeks of my life, seriously!


Hi Everybody, this is the first time I have been on here since returning from the show. It was the greatest few days EVER!! I wish you all could have been there. The ladies I met were the best on the planet and were all exactly how they are on our forum. Wonderful!! The show itself was fabulous and there was sooooo much stuff to buy and I think we all did our share in that respect. I got 2 Cami Rose by LLE and I just love her, only hope I will be able to do her justice!! 3 outfits from Jacky (that I love) and lots of “stuff”. I miss you all already!! I don’t know if I can go next year but I’m sure going to try. Please everybody, if it’s at all in your power try to make arrangements to go next year it is SOOOO worth it!!


LOL!!! They’re just fine, thank you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You summed it up well, Helen! I’m planning on saving for next year.

Helen, your hubby was AWESOME!!! I really appreciated the Sprite he got for me and he just fit right in. I hope he comes with you next year.


Me, too!

Your avatar is great! :smile:

That would be great, Julie!

I totally agree!

I miss you and all the other ladies, too!