šŸµ ROSE International Doll Show Talk šŸŒ¹

Not sure if I talked to you while we were there but we LOVED your avatar!!! :heart:

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It was great to meet all of you as well. I am planning on scaling back next year. No teaching class and maybe only one table of babies. That way I can have more time to play and visit!


I hope you had a great class though! How were your sales?

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Class was good. I really liked a couple of the ladies in the class. And sales for me were awesome. I sold 10 out of 12 babies.


I just didnā€™t have as much time to visit and play as I wanted to. That is the real reason for going to the show and doing the class takes so much time in addition to teh actually teaching hours there are is set up and prep that leaves very little time for fun!

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Please post ROSE pics & videos Here! - #90 by nanamarie

More pics will come. I have lots to share with everyone. One of the best weeks of my life, seriously!


Hi Everybody, this is the first time I have been on here since returning from the show. It was the greatest few days EVER!! I wish you all could have been there. The ladies I met were the best on the planet and were all exactly how they are on our forum. Wonderful!! The show itself was fabulous and there was sooooo much stuff to buy and I think we all did our share in that respect. I got 2 Cami Rose by LLE and I just love her, only hope I will be able to do her justice!! 3 outfits from Jacky (that I love) and lots of ā€œstuffā€. I miss you all already!! I donā€™t know if I can go next year but Iā€™m sure going to try. Please everybody, if itā€™s at all in your power try to make arrangements to go next year it is SOOOO worth it!!


LOL!!! Theyā€™re just fine, thank you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You summed it up well, Helen! Iā€™m planning on saving for next year.

Helen, your hubby was AWESOME!!! I really appreciated the Sprite he got for me and he just fit right in. I hope he comes with you next year.


Me, too!

Your avatar is great! :smile:

That would be great, Julie!

I totally agree!

I miss you and all the other ladies, too!


Iā€™m already putting together a strategic plan for next year. Just wish my husband could come. He had fun last year.


It would be so nice if my hubs had more men to hang with. I think he had estrogen poisoning by the time we left, LOL.


Well, he certainly didnā€™t show any of it!! He was a doll for putting up with all of us!! What a great guy Helen, you are indeed a lucky lady!! Keeper written all over that one!!


Is this the place for all the Rose stories? I have some questions for the lucky ladies that attended :
Did anyone from the UK or Australia attend?
Was Melissa George or any of her babies thereā€“if so how did they look in person?
Any honorable mentions attend? Meaning top artists etc.
any great tips or advice from the classes-did anyone here attend any and if so did you enjoy them?
any new sculpts coming out --thought I read something about a new Realborn making a debut.
Guess thatā€™s it for now. I would appreciate any info and if itā€™s in the thread just ignore me! Iā€™ll get the hint. Havenā€™t had much dolly time recently.

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I know Australia & Ireland were represented.
Did not see MG.
There will likely be a post of all winners. LLE won Artist of the Year!
I will share tips later this weekend. Linda Hillā€™s class was amazing!
Lots of Realborns coming out, and LLE has a full body coming soon.


Iā€™ll try to give you a little update on what I know but trust me I donā€™t know names so iā€™m kind of useless. MG was not there. LLE and J Malloy (silicone babies) were there and their stuff was amazing to say the least. There were other Reborn painters there that were well know by some of the ladies but like I said, Iā€™m not good at remembering names. There were a lot of artists and vendors that apparently backed out because ā€œlifeā€ issues sometimes take over. I was disappointed that many of them werenā€™t able to come, but things happen and we have to deal with it the best we can. Jacky Kramer was there with her beautiful baby clothes (I got some of these) and I believe she taught a class. There was a couple from Australia who sold Diaper Covers that were so nice and I got a few of those too. Linda Hill was there selling and teaching a class. Irresistables was there selling and I got stuff from them too. Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t be more help but Old Age gets it in the way of the olā€™ memory sometimes. There was lots of very pretty babies and many people were buying reborns so I think everyone left that show with lots to love whether it was a baby or just lots of goodies. It was fun, maybe you can come next year!!


The ROSE Show was a total blast for me!!! Jacky did the advanced rooting class and everyone in there said it was amazing! Susan Brown did the fantasy class and my girls that took it had so much fun she is from Canada and she was such a fun person! Linda Hillā€™s outfits that she was selling were handmade. This is the first time I met her and she is such a great lady! Lauren Jamies that sculpted the fairies for the ROSE bud class came in and signed all of the fairies for the girls and took pictures with them she seemed like such a genuine person. Such wonderful ladies all around. There was so much happening!
We have already started working on things for next years ROSE show and I hope that everyone can come because it was such a great experience.


Thanks for the update! Sounds like everyone had a blast. When I first heard about the show I was seriously contemplating taking the Baby fx class that Debbie Henshaw was going to teach. Jill says lots of realborns coming out too. So, glad everyone had a great time and love seeing the pics and stories, Yes, maybe next yearā€¦


Yea! Let us know as soon as the dates are picked!



Did any of you who went ship stuff from there??? I just saw a post of the ROSE facebook page

(copied and pasted)

Help!!! Anybody else having trouble with the UPS shipments from show?!!! I was told by the guy at the show it would be $96 for up to 100 lbs. 70 something cents for each additional pound over 100
I shipped two boxes. Totaling 115 pounds.
UPS freight just called and said it was coming Monday, collect for $1025.00. I told them no way I could pay that and they said they would send it back to Davis conference center as the shipper!!!

I bought 4 kits while I was at the show and I decided to ship them home rather than take them in my suitcase for fear of getting them smashed!! I asked the man how much to ship this small box that would only fit about 3 of the kits and I would take the other in my carry on. Well this was from Utah to Southern California and he told me $96. I almost lost it!! I told him that was REDICULOUS!! Needless to say I put them in my carryon bag and had to pack one in my suitcase. I later talked to one of the girls running the show and she was pretty unhappy because UPS had a guy come over to the Conv. Center who was an International shipper and he had NO IDEA what he was doing with this little piddly stuff. I think a lot of people had planned to ship and couldnā€™t. Some lady had a full sized wicker bassinette with stand and all kinds of stuff and I was thinking-----Oh man, what is THAT going to cost?? Another lady was shipping these 4 Moses type baskets and I canā€™t imagine what that cost either. Man, I wonder whats going to happen if they just ship it back to the Davis Conv. Center-----itā€™s got nothing to do with those people. Are the ladies who bought this stuff just out their money for their purchases?? Maybe Bountiful Baby could ship it for them cheaper. That poor lady, can you imagine getting hit with a $1025 shipping cost?? I can imagine she is furious. Why didnā€™t they tell her that to start with??