ROSE Baby Shower-----

OK Ladies, I want to know if I am crazy or if some dates have changed??? When I first bought tickets for ROSE the baby shower was listed on Friday the 22nd. When did it change to the 21st?? That is Thursday and I am glad my plane is coming in in the afternoon. What about the folks who are not getting there until Friday, they miss out I guess?? I haven’t checked the ROSE site in quite awhile, guess that’s my fault. Is there anything else I am in the dark about???


I’m not coming until the 22nd because I’m not taking any classes. I really want to go to the baby shower. I’m upset about this. The baby shower was what I most wanted to do. I may not come.

Originally, the Awards Banquest was on Sunday morning but they changed it to Friday night. I guess the Baby Shower was moved because of that.

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I booked my hotel reservation based on the events. I guess they’re assuming everyone is coming for all four days. Why is there no contact us link on the ROSE website? Now I’m glad I haven’t paid for anything yet. It also means i can’t enter the reborn contest if they’re doing the awards at the beginning of the show. What about people who have already bought their mini combo pass and now won’t get to go to the baby shower? I’m more than a little upset. I was so excited about going.


That’s what I thought Jeanhai. I understand changing the awards since a lot of people wouldn’t be there on Sunday morning not to mention that ticket was expensive so they probably thought they would lose money BUT why didn’t they put that on Saturday night?? They would have assured that people who had dolls entered into the contests would have stayed until at least Saturday night and the BABY Shower could have stayed on Friday. I think changing it was not fair to people who have purchased tickets. What about hotel reservations, if they do come in on Thursday but their planes come in later at night and they miss it anyway?! I think it was a bad move!!! And they should have notified individuals who had already purchased tickets in case they couldn’t make it on Thursday!! Not to happy about it.


I agree Helen. I’m really glad I haven’t paid for my plane ticket or I’d be out several hundred dollars if I don’t go.


Why would everyone come for all 4 days if they only want to shop 1 day??? Not everyone gets to be away from home that long due to life’s commitments. I guess this kind of bugs me! It’s no skin off my nose as I WILL be there for the 4 days but not everyone can do that, I’m annoyed!!


I never even looked at it until recently. I had no plans of going but kept thinking of it so I thought I would run it past my husband and he said yeah. So I looked up the dates and prices. Booked a room for Thursday, bought the baby shower tickets. He is requesting time off.

I would be super mad if I had paid for it before and missed it! I think they should notify everyone who has bought a ticket so far!


I am so glad I saw your post or I wouldn’t have realized the change. So Thank You. Glad you are getting to go.


I have came across email contact that is wrong, as well as links they provided on facebook that didnt work…

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Forget notifying people. They need to put it back the way it was or have the awards banquet on Saturday. It looks like the pajama party has been eliminated as well. I’m getting madder by the minute. I think it’s way too far into it to be rearranging everything.


so good I didn’t buy my tickets… you can’t make plans if they are not serious about programs


I didn’t even notice that! :sleepy:


It looks like the Pajama Party is Saturday night @ 7:30pm. It’s at the bottom of the Events Page.


When I click on the drop down and then click on pajama party nothing comes up. This is so screwed up.

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Now I see it, in very small print at the very bottom of the all events list.


That makes NO sense to me!!! Why don’t they have the Shower on Friday and the Awards on Saturday or vice versa and eliminate the PJ party. The PJ party doesn’t sound that necessary to me. I wouldn’t wander around in my PJ’s in public anyway, sounds kinda lame for a bunch of women who are suppose to be mature??? That certainly doesn’t mean we can’t get together for a so called “Party” and gab fest, now that sounds fun!!! NOT everybody will be there on Thursday, right!!! Am I alone here or does anyone else feel the PJ party isn’t all that necessary??? Put the Damn Shower BACK on Friday Night!!! I think I’m getting MAD now!!!


I agree. If I had a choice of what to eliminate it would be the psajame party (which I would go to). The website is all mixed up and very confusing. It says the awards banquet is on the 21st and the voting for the people’s choice awards is on the 22nd. I wanted to enter some of the contests but because of the changes I won’t be there in time to register. I’m not spending hundreds of dollars just to go to the show, so unless it gets changed back I won’t be going.

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@jeanha :sob: i But if you don’t come, how will I meet you??? You HAVE to come.


I’m so disappointed. I’ve been excited about meeting everyone for months. Money is an issue for me and I just can’t justify spending so much if I can’t even attend the events or enter any contests.