Rose 2024

Hi ladies that are at the ROSE show------Please take pictures and post them so those of us who are unlucky and didn’t get to go can “drool” over all that “gorgeousness”!!! Thank You.

BTW, I hope you are having a Wonderful time!!


Yessss… please do…I would love that!!!


Its pretty much over now but it was wayyyy slow compared to previous years here.

Customer wise there was barely any.

I didnt sell any of mine


I guess there were lots of disappointed sellers. MaddieBug sold 4. Meagan Denton sold 2 and lots of accessories. I saw where Teresa Hunt got 2 prizes in the alternative contests. Do you think this will be the end for ROSE?


I’m very grateful to have sold four (2 cuddle babies, 2 regular full limb babies). Many people didn’t make any sales at all. Maybe 30-40 people lined up to get in the first day and then a few more trickled in throughout the day.
I had fun at the events and catching up with people… but it definitely wasn’t the show it used to be unfortunately


I hardly took any pictures but here’s my table! And Lottie and I on our way to the baby shower haha


So pretty! Both of you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Can’t wait to see you at DOTWE!

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Yes @GrammysReborns won some.
I got 2nd in Fantasy
(Bad lighting)


Jenni, was Mandy and Melanie there? Wasn’t Mel teaching a class? I’m SO sorry to hear that the show was so slow for our dedicated sellers, what a shame. Specially when so much work and money go in to putting on a show like that. Was there anything said about next year? What do you think went wrong? It’s always been such a Huge show, it’s hard for me to believe that there was so few people. Do you think it’s because of the cost of EVERYTHING right now and people just couldn’t afford to go this year? Darn inflation anyway!!


Great job on that baby Jenni, Congratulations on your win!! Were there a lot of contest babies this year?

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A lot of things. More sponsors and volunteers would have helped a lot.

A full year to plan. Less personal life issues, etc.


Yes, @colee1970 , @Blissfulbabies , @ellakabella, @Katinafleming, @ttulsajess, @izzy, @jubileej
Not sure if I missed anyone else from the forum.


Congratulations! :tada: He is AMAZING! :star_struck:

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There was a good amount

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Are entry tickets always $35.00?
That would definitely stop many people from coming there, IMO. Or at least I would not pay that much.


I got sick with a flu of some kind and had to leave early. I was selling crocheted rattles and plushies and such. Jenni is right. There were hardly any people in comparison. I did have a good show though and the new people I met and got to connect with as well as the people I got to reconnect with was invaluable. I sold more than I expected to.


There were cute creations. I grabbed a few photos yesterday.


Hope you feel better soon

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Close to that yes.

I looked back and it was around $30, 5 years ago.

** I just looked again and they were $25 at the door but cheaper if bought months in advance

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Comparing to other shows tickets of $10-$15 it’s a lot of money for just entry, IMO :frowning: