Recent Price increase?

I was surprised to see that almost all the realborns are $69.95 now. It used to be by size and the preemies were $10 cheaper. BIG babies are still $10 more.

To be expected I know with times being tough. My thinking his that maybe it all balances out with all the sales they’ve been offering :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I was also shocked by the price of bodies at about $20 instead of closer to $12-$15


Yes I saw this this morning too and I was going to mention it but I wasn’t sure!


I’ve seen the prices on the regular non real born kits go up as well. I hope they are able to restock them. I know times are tough because of the pandemic. It just seems like they may never get restocked :frowning:


I read a comment on social media from a kit producer that mentioned factory prices increased.


Understandable! I just miss the days when nevin was thoughtful enough to make a post explaining these things so we didn’t get all upset. It’s like he doest care about us anymore.

Yes I am a middle child lololol :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yes I noticed up one more time. I am really bad i use to buy from BB at $29.95 and on sale $19.95 and some were lower on sale $9.00. Bodies were $5.95. Soon (well now) I guess I won’t be adding to my stash if the kit is $69.95, the body $20 and shipping $10,thats $100 without rings or plugs. I personally can afford on sale kits only or seconds and seconds are not cheap. Oh well onward. :yum:


Even paint prices are up on BB

Small GHSP is now $8.95 (thankfully they last a long time)


Prices of all kits, not just BB, have gone up. I fear they may rise right out of my budget. Some toddler kits are heading towards $200.


I feel that way too sometimes, but then I use 3 easy pay :wink: LOL


I know what you mean , here by us there isn’t mutch sale and we pay at least nearly 90,00 euro for a kit with body and shipping at least !
So most of the time i buy from Spain or U K and even there i pay 45,00 GBP whitout body and shipping .
By us it is a very expensive hobby but i still work (61 years now ) and my husband also work but otherwise i could not afford to buy reborn kits !


I wish Bb had a payment option like it


I just received an invoice from Mac’s but hadn’t ordered anything lately so I inquired. It was an order from Sept 12, 2020. It was for a custom and of ourse I lost the sale because of delays on the kit, but, 7months? Forgot what it was! :footprints: :baby:

Maybe suggest they start offering it since they are raising prices. They might as well do preorders too. I just had a little fantasy scenario where hubby would secretly buy preorders from my wishlist and they would show up as a surprise :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: he asked if there was a special kit I wanted for my bday and I told him grumpy sleepy playful and happy LOL!!! I have to get happy I’d worry she’s feeling left out cause I don’t particularly like her :pleading_face:


Might as well get an LE. I’m going to be drifting from bb unfortunately esp with no layaway options as the prices increase.


BB is still the least expensive distributor for the majority of kits.


But for some reason people feel that because of that, finished babies need to sell for less. Now that they are so close in price

$70 kit
$20 body
$10 shipping

Vs macs

$120 with body and free shipping
And selling finished babies for $100’s more :disappointed:
Maybe this will raise the value of bb kits


I know BB mentioned when all this started last year it would take a LOOOONNNGGGG time to get everything restocked. As they had an order either made or coming to them, and that would be the last they knew of at the time. I appreciate them so much. I don’t know how they are able to handle all the logistics to keep it all going. :slight_smile:


Omg when I started I swear these were 3.95


It hasn’t been that long since I started reboring, maybe 2 1/2 years, and when I started the kits were $29.99 and the paints were $3.95!! Prices have gone up alot and fast :pleading_face:


Oh no, don’t give bb any ideas! Pretty soon we’ll see BB Reborn Visa Card applications, in with our orders. Could you imagine!