Recent Price increase?

For now and marginally.

This is getting a bit outrageous----that’s too much money for the little bit of paint you get in these jars. Yes, they do last a long time but this seems like gouging to me. There isn’t any good reason for the paint to have gone up this much in price, IMO. I know it’s been rough for the past year but we can’t make up those costs for businesses like this. I feel this is a little unfair to the artists.


Especially if it isn’t curing!


Are these little containers filled from a bulk vat? If so, they should be offered to the customer at great deal price wise.
As far as the paints that aren’t curing, those all need to be recalled. They don’t work the way they should. Ridiculous.


I think they use petroleum in making these items. So, it has gone up and is going up everyday, it seems. Maybe that has something to do with it?

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They have to charge more for the paint now because they use a new ingredient in it, it costs more and it makes the paint not cure. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It feels like prices on everything reborn has gone up a bit, kits, supplies, clothes…


The price of everything has gone up. Gas is over $4 per gallon (and cllimbing) here again.


Yeah, if you want to talk about petroleum products-----try buying “gas” in California, between $4-$5 a gallon depending on where you are purchasing it. California’s gas is ALWAYS at least $1 more per gallon than the rest of the nation!!


It’s around $2.50 in my part of Texas. And I’m already spending around $215 a week just for my Yukon. I would have to make some seriously life changes if we had y’all’s gas prices. :grimacing:

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It is between about 2.30 and 2.50 a gallon here, too, in NW Louisiana.

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Gas is $2.69 in Central Minnesota.

My whole life gas has always been expensive here (California), I don’t even pay attention, walk when I can, bike if I feel like it and its close, have cars with decent gas milage. Oh I loved my electric Fiat to pieces, they recalled the car and bought it back but I would buy it again in a second. How cool is it to just plug in your car at night, no gas, no oil changes and it’s silent. You can’t go too far but its perfect for kids, groceries, errands, just everyday busy life stuff. If I get another car in the future it will at the very least be a hybrid.


I think the tanker truck driver shortage has an influence on the rising cost of gas. They say there will likely be fuel shortages this summer as people begin going on vacation.

Gas prices always start going up here in May. They know people will be traveling for vacations and long holiday weekends and will pay whatever amount they charge.

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I think the price of gas is a little more complicated. I wouldn’t worry about a shortage. I mean fossil fuel can’t last forever but we won’t run out in our lifetime. We do have to embrace alternative energy, it’s a real thing, and past time we started getting ready our kids can’t be fossil fuel dependent.

We got solar this year, it’s amazing, damn expensive but worth it, I live in a sunny state and most if the houses on my block have it. I don’t save as much as we were told we would but we realized we are energy hogs.

Our gas and electric bill has been steadily climbing over the last trove years, last year was so high. Almost 450.00 a month and we live in a small house, 1 story. We have energy efficient appliances but they can charge what they want, after the fires things went way up and they used the fires as an excuse. PGE got sued, they didn’t maintain equipment and it caused some of our fire trouble.

People are leasing land (in places they have it) and putting up solar fields, its acres of solar panels. There are also these very cool parking structures that are shaded with solar panel awnings, it’s brilliant. Where I live people would rather have a shady spot even if they have to park farther away. It’s a win-win.

Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, parking garages have spots where you can plug in your electric car.

I love this stuff.

I am old enough to remember being a kid and getting excited about a color TV, a cable box, and a walkman. These are some very cool times.


PG&E is just the absolute WORST! My mother would leave her house to stay with my aunt during the winter and come back to a monthly bill of over $300 for an 1100 square foot home. Nothing but the fridge and water heater running, the water heater temperature lowered significantly.

I moved from a small apartment to an apartment a few hundred square feet larger. (both electric only, no gas.) My electric bill was cut by more than half. Thank you SMUD. Escaping the clutches of the stranglehold PG&E has over much of California was hands down one of the best things about moving to the Sacramento valley.

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California’s gas does go up in the summer because we have different “Blends” for our summertime gas. It’s the freakin’ energy people in this state. Anyway our summertime Blend is more expensive than our Wintertime blend. Must make some kind of sense to them-------sure as He_ _ doesn’t to me!! I always want to laugh out loud when I hear newscasters report how much the National Average gas prices are----I think "boy are the people around this country lucky to only be paying two and a half (or so) bucks a gallon, they don’t know how lucky they are-------and they are complaining!! Don’t move to California!!


My oldest daughter lives in a high rise apartment building here in our city (three floors, I am being sarcastic). All her utilities are high. She has a studio, they go up to three bedrooms. Everyone pays the same. They pool the usage and divide it up by number of units. Doesn’t matter if you are one person or five. It is soooooo unfair. I feel so bad for her. She is finishing her degree at CalState (footing her own bill because she is stubborn) and working full time. I keep trying to talk her into moving back home while she finishes school and quit work so she can focus and not struggle. We annoy her, we are noisy and messy (she is too but it is different when its your own noise and mess). I am super proud of her, I don’t know how she does it. Thank goodness she is single and doesn’t have kids.