Reborn problem?

I just looked at the photos of the Rowan kit and WOW!!! Simply amazing! Great inspiration as well! I’m only finishing my 3rd reborn (technically 2nd since my first was a disaster) but now I want her/him! (looks beautiful as both). I already have 6 kits, one on the way and one in the cart…I see an intervention in my near future.:joy: So many gorgeous babies! Does anyone else buy more kits then they have completed? And how do you stop from browsing the gallery a dozen times a day?!


I’m afraid that’s just the way it is. You just gotta get used to it. It’s a serious addiction. :joy:


Oh my goodness! She is adorable!! You did awesome on her! I was wondering how difficult she would be since most blank kits I can look at and get my own image of how they may look but this one didn’t look…well, like it is shaped weird yet after seeing other artists reborn her…:open_mouth:! And yours is perfect!!! I appreciate the heads up, I may hold off on her till I get more practice.

I agree on Rowan. He was my third reborn. Don’t have any pictures right now, but he wasn’t that good. Looked like he was scared all the time due to those eyes. Couldn’t get them to work for him.
I also disliked his one ear. One looks normal and the other looks weird, like the sculptor didn’t finish it or something.


Have ether of you done Gracie or Juliet? If so were ether difficult?

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I have done Juliet and I loved her.

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I’m no help in your intervention. I have about 30 kits in my stash and keep buying when I see another kit on sale. It’s never ending!! Lol


:laughing: Those dog’gone sales get me every time too!

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I’ve got so many kits here waiting to be done that I don’t even want to count them. It comes with the territory! LOL

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I always have babies in waiting, one (at least) in progress, and parts all over, it looks like a horror movie based in a nursery lol


I have 13 kits waiting to be painted, 2 in progress, 2 on preorder, and I am eyeing something like 15 more… I’d say kit hoarding is an across the board problem!!!


:joy: My daughter is always telling me "could you at least put the doll heads away, they’re freaking me out!":laughing:

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I finally finished Chanel (may be spelled wrong) kit! I love her so much! I rooted her hair with my daughters hair and even though I know I have a lot to learn, I bonded with her as soon as I started painting her! :grinning:So Happy!!!


lol my husband is like, are they watching us, hahahahahaah

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My Gracie was for a custom. She is a drink/wet baby, and I loved making her.


My Chanel was one of my first…a boy named Bobby.


I have more than I need too. And I keep getting more, lol! You can never stop browsing the kits are so reasonably priced on BB. I still need Shyann, Kameko, Quinton, Sydney, Sugar, Kenzie, a couple of Realborns, and maybe and animal etc… The list is never ending. I know a couple of them are on sale right now but I have to put my foot down! :scream:


Both look amazing! I currently want Gracie. I’m loving the blonde hair on Bobby! What size needles do you use? I’ve heard 42 is best yet I’m scared of breaking them.

Welcome to Reborn Anonymous! My name is Jenni and I am a kit hoarder :wink:

I currently have 29 kits waiting their turn. I just finished my 50th since 2015. :confused:


I know right?! I’ve been finger dancing over the checkout and continue shipping button. :grin: If a kits on sale and you add it to your cart but don’t checkout and then the kit is no longer on sale, does the price change on kit in cart? I realize it’s may be a stupid question, but a couple of nights ago Dominic was on sale and by the time I justified the cost to my husband, the price changed back​:tired_face: Now I have kits in cart just in case yet may be a lost cause(?) So glad I’m not alone in the "kit itch":grin:

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