REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

Another heartbreaking thing about this whole scammer drama is that they have ruined Saskia’s reputation. She is still on my list of kits I want to paint. But now I’m afraid to buy the kit for fear that my finished Saskia will just end up in the plethora of Saskia photos swamping the internet. Even if I watermark them, I’m afraid people will now be turned off of this kit because of all the negative experience associated with her. April isn’t far behind her. My April kit is sitting in the bin waiting to be painted. But it looks like her value may be going down instead of up because of these scammers. They stole two amazing sculpts and tainted their reputation. Shame on them. :confused:


I have two April kits sitting in the bin. One will be a keeper but have plans to eventually reborn and sell the other one. Hopefully once these crooks get tired or enough people figure them out and they stop getting all the business they expect, these two beautiful kits will once again be enjoyed.


I sure hope so. :heart:

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I have an April for sale and just finally bought Saskia. Now I am affraid to paint her.
I think like you that may cause the value to those kits to go down. It’s a shame


Oooh they are getting cocky!!
Check this out.

I let them have it.


Gosh the nerve they have…

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Booyah!!! You tell 'em. But now they will block you from their page like they did to me. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of missing posts on their page. I’m glad you spoke up.


So if you report the Facebook page, can the owners of the page see that? I would totally report rebirth doll


I’ve reported the photos and videos on rebirth doll several times tonight. Not sure if they are told or not. Found that another one of their FB pages now has no photos on it and the links they put to one of their other sites no longer open. Maybe this means one is down. Many more to go.

Been writing warnings to customers on these pages who are asking where their dolls are. Heard back from several so far. One has to get her bank to fight the charge, and another one was told by PayPal that they won’t do anything until she can prove they are not trustworthy.I told her that as more people report being scammed by them, PP should start to act.


The plot thickens. This lady was sent this. After ordering a Katie Ashton Drake doll they had mislabeled and stolen photos of


I don’t know if the thief who runs Rebirth doll knows how to block. They haven’t blocked me yet. So. Go comment ladies!!


Shawn P, As one of your subscriber or follwers on YouTube. Good job on your post referencing the scammers.I understand your anger as well as the other artists and collectors on theses forums. Unfortunately there are scammers who prey on new collectors who think they are getting a “deal”.I researched for a long time before I purchased my Ist reborn. I would never purchased a reborn or anything from these sites.They are constantly changing their names. Reborn dolls artists and collectors are able to recognize the travesty of these scammers.
Reborn doll collecting is passion not a wim,theses quickies companies are trying to get on the bandwagon, without passion they are blowing smoke in the wind.


They are everywhere. I google BB and their ads are there every time I do!


What is your channel so I can follow u?

Thanks for your support,but I personally do not have channel,but follow many of the YouTube reborn artists, UniRebornDad is one of my favorites.


Unfortunately, these scammers are trying to take advantage of collectors As a lover of dolls ,since I was a child.My favorite was and is Annette himstedt high end dolls.Ms. Himstedt was both an artist and manufacturer. My collection has always been small.Reborns dolls brings that realism and soft touch to another level. The reborns artists put their passion is making reborns, this process takes time and devotion and should not be use by scammers wanting a quick buck.

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It seems to be never ending :confused:


How upsetting :expressionless: This company is just awful. Stole at least eight images of my artwork. Removed the watermarks and even my logos off clothing.



Another on of their Facebook pages…

Realizing they stole more images of mine. There’s sooooo many :sob:
I was wondering why I had TWO messages last week asking if I was real, and if they would really get their order. Thought it was very odd… then I found this.