REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

:flushed: I have no words!

They have turned April into a monster.

This gets worse and worse every day :woozy_face:

They dont attach them when there is a torso so it fits in their small box. LOL - idiots

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I’m curious, and I’m not trying to blame or judge anyone here it’s a genuine question. Why would people assume they’d be getting the quality shown in those photos when the price is so low? I have to assume they’ve seen the prices of other dolls of that quality on the market, even dolls of lesser quality go for more.

They just hope they get lucky and it doesn’t happen to them.


Considering these sites tend to be bumped to the top of search results due to paid ad placement, new reborn enthusiasts most likely haven’t had a chance to comparison shop since the prices at these scam sites are so low and appealing. There’s a reason FB groups are overrun with scam warnings only after buyers have received dud dolls.


They do fake iPhones too. They fake everything. Small to big. Cheap to expensive. They counterfeit it all. :woman_facepalming:t2:


The ads pop up on facebook… to non reborn people. They dont know. They think over $100 is crazy for a “doll” for their kid… so they think it must be incredible (like the stolen picture)

Or a car mechanic father decided he will surprise his daughter with a reborn that she has been asking for… he goes on google and searches reborn… out of the first 10 ads only 2 are legit… he doesnt know… he orders… he gets the doll… surprises his daughter… they open it and are horrified by what was sent!


They seem to know that reborns are a big fad right now. If they can catch unsuspecting people, they make money. Hopefully as we get the word out and maybe the fad dies down, they will become less successful. That means they will probably try something else once that happens. Be on the lookout for the next big Chinese rip-off.


I don’t know why they even take the effort to send those dolls. They’re poorly made to say the least, it cost time and money to pour thoses kit, add hair , clothes, package…at this point, it seem to me it will be more profitable for them to send nothing or just their blank kit. They don’t even try to paint them ! It’s a non sense to me

If they sent nothing though, PayPal would for sure refund people. That’s why they ship these crappy dolls.


Great! So maybe those will tell another three, and so on…


I hope with enough people filing that PayPal will see what is going on here and discontinue business with them

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I think this lady said she was able to get a refund.

And here is another picture that was shared on FB of how they come (with torso). Hollow, unweighted and unassembled.


Look at all these different sculpts. Surely they aren’t copying all of these now too. :confused:

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And naming one after Silvia?! Really! :rage:


I’m sure they will or at least try :frowning: they also now have quite a few BB kits shown, also on their listing of BB ashley asleep…it even says Sylvia (last name I can’t spell lol) name on the listing!!
So now they are using not only the prototype artists photos but now their name will be associated with the scam sites to anyone who doesn’t know any better


Yep you beat me to it…I just saw :frowning:

OMG! Please send your screen shot and the link to Silvia!