REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

That one is only in vinyl. Kit is about $75, body is around $16 if I remember right

Of course that is before the hours of painting, rooting or hair painting, stuffing, weighting, assembling, dressing, photoshoot, box packing, extras, etc.

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Here’s some good info someone just shared on 1 of my posts…
Their shipping time lapses over there refund policy.

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Well isn’t that convenient. Scammers. They know the doll won’t get to the buyer before time lapses. Ugh


I just got her in the mail yesterday, shopping was literally three days… she’s sooooooooo cute!!!


Looks like the doll has to be sent back before they decide whether or not they will refund. So, they can decide not to refund even after receiving the doll back. Incredible.

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It really ticks me off that PP is not seeing them as the scammers they are. They will demand the hideous item be sent back to China at buyer’s expense, when it’s the scammer that sent a fake item, but they will remove money from the account of a real reborn artist that is being scammed by a buyer who wants a free doll, before the buyer sends the baby back to the artist. They are giving special treatment to China, scammers and all. :rage:


No one is stupid for falling for a scam. When I first started looking at reborns, I know nothing and bought the first kit I saw on eBay. I was lucky it was a legit kit, but I may have bought a fake kit without knowing.

Nobody make extensive research before buying things. We look at reviews and that’s it.

This forum has made all the difference for me.

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I certainly don’t think people who unknowingly bought are stupid.

My issue is when people purchase and then ask me or another artist to redo the doll. That’s just trying to get an artist made reborn for cheap. I refuse to redo knock offs for that reason.

But I certainly don’t think people are stupid. The whole situation is just awful all around.


These knock off Aprils are now being resold on eBay.

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Ok. What did they do to her?? Her face looks distorted. Its weird.

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Although I haven’t bought a doll from these sites obviously, I spent 2 hours on the phone with PayPal today speaking with a customer service representative about them and their refund policy.
To which ended with the seller is requiring item be returned to get a refund, even tho it cost the same or more then the doll they ordered.
No which way of explaining why they are bad sites helped…I finally got a manager on the phone and flat out asked if tons of people are filing claims it means they are a scam. 1/2 could be just a coincidence but when 100+ are disputing something is up. I sent PayPal several photos of what they show and what they send, and how it’s pretty messed up that when real sellers get a claim against them, PayPal doesn’t automatically require the buyer to return the item for a refund, and even their terms state they can’t guarantee the buyer return the item. Probably won’t do any good but today alone I was asked by 3 people to repaint their knock offs, and for $100 or less since they “can’t afford any more”. I was even left a negative review on my FB nursery from one of them because I told her no and why no legit artist will work on those dolls. It’s getting ridiculous.
April,saskia,twin A already and now they are showing 3 month Joseph, trouble and Mick I believe.
:ox::poop: Is what it is


Why don’t they give the same to eBay sellers when a scammer purchases a doll from them?? They allow buyers up to six months to get their money back for a reborn doll. Many scammers have gotten away with claiming weeks and months down the road that the doll isn’t right. PP puts the seller’s money on hold right away before the buyer sends the doll back, and in some cases they haven’t sent the doll back but get their money back from PP also. Why the double standard? What is it about China and their scammers that they appear to be protecting?


That is EXACTLY what I asked and had the issue with. They can make legit buyers spend as much or more then purchase cost to send back the fake doll when the company is at fault for the return due to the bait and switch, but they don’t require the same for scamming buyers against legit sellers.
I am starting to hate PayPal more and more


Absolutely, me too. They will defend these Chinese thieves and mess over US citizens and the rest of the free world who are honest sellers getting scammed by scam buyers. I really wonder whose side they’ve been on for a while. I wish there was an equal alternative to them. But I think they know there isn’t, and so they can get away with this. So hypocritical. :rage::rage::rage::rage:


I joined your group a few days ago!

Yes I noticed this too! They are reselling them on eBay and FB reborn pages. Selling them as REBORNS, which they should know they aren’t actual Reborns…People are reselling them because they don’t want to be stuck with junk. But then to pass it on to someone else who doesn’t have a clue?! It’s horrible!


Ive seen that as well. Several being sold on FB groups, market place etc.
There was a girl on one group today, offering CUSTOM babies for $200…and showing the same photos as the scam sites…one of her buyers posted their “custom” from her…which was the same knock off Saskia with some blushing done. It’s gonna get alot worse I bet :frowning:

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That is just SOOOO gross!!

Aaaaaaaagghhhhh!!! It’s Chucky’s baby sister! And look at that bulging forehead. Ack.

This situation keeps becoming more pathetic.

Anyone who knows they were scammed by these people who then tries to sell it as a real reborn to another unsuspecting person deserves what they got. I have no sympathy for a person who does something like that. And I will out them when I have the chance.