REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

Thank you so much for your efforts. I am a doll collector myself and when I first started to collect artists in the groups I joined were giving away their porcelain molds and dollmaking supplies. They were heartbroken and said they had been making dolls, but that companies in China had the molds and were mass producing dolls and they could no longer sell their work. I collected mostly antique dolls rather than modern art dolls at that time, so it did not really sink in to me what was going on. Now I understand. I hope that what happened to those art dolls and artists does not happen with reborns, but right now I don’t know how to stop it. The ideas I have involve government action, so unlikely.

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Thank you for contacting all those people, and helping with all this. I was contacting a lot of people in the beginning, through FB PM, and most of them understood they’d been scammed or were about to be. I think all of this takes time. It takes time for info to get around, even with the Internet. Eventually there will be a reputation for these scammers that more people will be aware of. I hope that the awareness that these are fake reborns will one day equal the understanding of what real reborn dolls are. If we keep telling people, keep posting info, and they tell others, word will eventually get out. It’s just a long and painful process to getting there.


I wish for that, too. But our government is being benefitted (for several decades now) by mass-produced junk from China, as our jobs have been moved to Asia where they can make things cheaper and get higher profits. It comes down to the grassroot level…all of us. We can do all we can do to get the word out. I think eventually these Chinese scammers will have a reputation, and only buyers who don’t care one iota for quality will buy from them while people who are able to see and understand, and who care about it, will stop giving their money and will tell others they know. In the meantime, we can all keep using social media: FB, IG, Twitter, etc., to get the word out.


So true. I have never see one of the sculptors or protoype artist post on these fake pages. Are they all blocked or have they given up?

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Welcome to the forum! Thank you for educating those people!


Everyone in this forum seems to really know their stuff, and I’m so glad I found this chat. So can anyone point me in the direction of the real artists for these babies, the only pages that keep coming up are the ones on the scam list.

Also is there a forum on here where experts help newbies like myself find the none scamming artists? I think that is my biggest issue I’m running into. I keep seeing who I shouldn’t buy from, but I’m not seeing who I should buy from.

There are multiple facebook groups and pages where legit artists list. is a legit site many of us list on and have for years. You can filter your search criteria on it also.

The best thing to do when you find a baby you like is to research the artist. If you see it on a scam site. Ask on reborn groups about what kit it is, who the sculptor is, if anyone has one available, if the kit is still available, etc. Look up the kit dealer pages and see what the blank kit costs before settling on a budget. If you can’t afford what you want. Save. Don’t settle for illegal copies or knockoffs.
If someone says they will make you a custom ask for pictures of THEIR work, ask how long they have done it, do they have a website or nursery page, search their names in scammer groups, ask for close ups, ask for a safety photo (some artists dont like to do them, they feel their years of work and experience should speak for itself - again research them)

That kit is a 17 inch vinyl kit with cloth body, 3/4 arms and full legs. It is the Twin A kit, sculpted by Bonnie Brown, it is still available to purchase a blank kit. Macphersons sells it for about $75 for the kit, body is separate.
Those exact babies have probably sold long ago and well over $500 maybe more. You may find those exact pictures on the kit dealers listing… China stole the pics and removed the watermarks… etc.

This is a link to THE BLANK KIT


Thank you so much for the reply :0)

So I have a newbie question though because I am unfamiliar with some of the terms you used, what is a safety photo?

Sorry I was away. A safety photo is a picture with the item for sale (doll in this case) with the sellers name and date on it. So you know what the doll CURRENTLY looks like, and that it is in fact in that person’s possession. Some scammers fake these… they photo shop or edit the photo to look like they are selling it… etc.
This is an old example of one of mine… some will say the price it is selling for as well.
(as a seller never put the buyers name in the safety photo cause then they can take it to scam others and not actually buy the doll.) Also I do not post my dolls here without putting my nursery name on them. All pictures can be copied or saved from here or other public places like instagram, Facebook, etc.


Thank you :0)

What about used dolls? Is there a safe place to purchase a pre-owned doll?

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I would assume facebook (I dont know about other social media platforms due to not being on them)

I do know there are a couple people who resell on Normally it says it is an orphan in the listings.


I’d like to add that there are people on Youtube that resell their dolls. But again you have to do your research. Youtube has changed their rules a lot so you may find dolls on Instagram, Vimeo and of course FB.

Thank you all for fighting for us. I am a collector but only buy dolls from ladies on this Forum and I am a big fan of my own Reborn Painting :upside_down_face: and paint as a Hobby for myself my family and close friends.


I wouldn’t have thought of YouTube, thank you. I have been looking at the reborn site and there are so many beautiful dolls on there. So if a seller on eBay has the baby listed as a bountiful baby, is there a higher chance of not being a scam then?

Sorry for all the questions, I’m just trying to not make a mistake (again), as this will be a huge purchase for our family, but definitely worth it for the right doll.


I would not say that. I would see if she/he is a member on here first and ask questions. JMO!

No, just means they bought the kit from there. Doesnt mean it is a decent person. Research the seller.


You can find new and second-hand reborn baby dolls on eBay, also. Be sure to look at the seller’s feedback. I sell my babies on eBay almost exclusively. I hope to have a few Christmas babies listed soon.

If you want to follow me, to see what babies I have completed as I get them done, you can follow my Facebook page: Sweet Little Cherry Blooms - Reborn Art Dolls.

I’ve been creating and selling reborns for almost 7 years.


Aaaaaaa, I am so happy you said that, lol. I was wondering what a silicone vinyl was.


@Aggielovebug, I’m in Michigan, also.

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I followed your page on Facebook, I’ll keep my eyes open for your Christmas listing :0)

Thank everyone for all the help and kindness.

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Just wanted to let you know because eBay charges 10% of the purchase reborns there usually priced higher. has lower listing.

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